Chapter Twelve

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Bill Nye pads through dense undergrowth, hoping that the next Clan would be at least remotely normal. The sound of a twig breaking behind him sends him whirling around. A long-furred black she-cat faces him, a friendly expression on her face.

Bill Nye: Well, hello! I am—

Tapetemfur: I am Tapetemfur. I assume you are Bill Nye *blinks* Here, follow me. Retinastar asked me to take you to our camp when one of our guards saw you from a distance.

Bill Nye: *attempts to stick his muzzle in the air and look posh as he follows the pretty she-cat* My my, it really does feel good to be famous. I wonder how the news about me has spread so quickly.

Tapetemfur: Well, generally we hear or see you talking to the other Clans... we have a huge rock in the center of our camp for viewing purposes, you know... it's quite interesting, really. 

Bill Nye: How so?

Tapetemfur: We have a 200-degree view, which is larger than a Twoleg's 180-degree one. We also—

Rodtail: *pops out of nowhere.* We also are crepuscular, which means we're more active and dawn and dusk! We believe that is why we have good night vision. You know, we have six to eight times more rod cells than the silly Twolegs.

Tapetemfur: This makes our elliptical eyes more sensitive to low light. Another factor that contributes to our remarkable night vision is the fact that we have larger corneas and tapetum. A tapetum, my namesake, is a thin layer of tissue that reflects light back to the retina. This helps gather more light as well.

Bill Nye: That's truly falling! I never knew how inquisitively wondrous our eyesight is!

Rodtail: If I were you, Bill Nye, I would pronounce my words right when I'm trying to impress a she-cat.

Tapetemfur: *Goes into camp* Yes, it's truly enthralling, isn't it? Our leader's aesthetic taste in camps proved to be exquisite. 

Bill Nye: Are they having a Clan meeting? *embarrassed as he switches the subject*

Random Cat 1#: Is that him!?

Random Cat #2: Retinastar was just announcing his arrival!

Random Cat #3: Wow, right on time!"

Bill Nye: It was nice meeting you all! I... gotta go and write down some scientific observations and start preparing for an experiment!

He races off, Rodtail following him, shouting something along the lines of," The tapetum also shifts the wavelengths of light that cats see, which makes silhouettes against a dark skyway more prominent! AND BRO YOU HAVEN'T GIVEN ME YOUR AUTOGRAPH YET!" Luck seems to be on his side as he turns the corner and dives into a crevice in a cliff's side, misleading his pursuer into thinking he'd disappeared.

By Saph! 🍩✨

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