Chapter 1

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I had always longed for a place to be understood and, even if it wasn't a 'place', it was still somewhere I was allowed to be me. The daydreams of that place repeating itself in my mind everyday. My friends, Danni, Keller, Ami and Rose were the closest thing as of yet I had to that place. We had always had a relationship that was twisted with the dark and light, interesting things that we didn't understand and kept our passion for life burning. But this relationship had yet to show it's full potential.

I rolled myself out of bed on a cool May morning, trying to open my swollen eyes at the bright window. I then gathered my clothes -simple black leggings, vans shoes and a baggy jumper- and pondered on the effort to wear makeup that day. I didn't bother.

Following the usual daily routine, I stared at my insane mane of hair in the mirror. It was naturally curly but stress of school had made it looking more like beach waves which at first I hated but since I had grown to like. I didn't bother styling it and let it fall neatly into place, caressing my face. As you can tell, I didn't care much for putting in effort.
I realised slowly as I walked through the house that mum wasn't awake yet, making me get up on my own. I glared into nothingness at the thought, only minutes later realising I was annoyed about nothing.

'Mum, I'm leaving for college now!' I called up, not expecting a response.  

I jumped in my car and drove through the mind-numbing traffic to get to college. I parked my car and ran inside the classroom, I realised then that I was actually early for once. I threw my bag under my desk and sunk down into my chair, staring outside at the clouds and trying to make shapes that made me smile.

After pondering a while, I thankfully heard the sound of my friends' loud voices ringing from outside, and I relaxed a little. I picked my body up and walked to the door happily, whilst completely ignoring my teacher who was telling me to stay seated. I did feel bad sometimes for the teachers, having to deal with degenerates like the kids at my school, but their fake hierarchy of teachers within the school system itself resembled ours in a childish manner, making it difficult to feel sympathy for them when they even bullied their own teachers.

The door flew open and I rushed to greet my best friends. We all were pretty much alike in our energy sense, it just seemed to match. Heidi, an extremely stuck up girl walked in after them with two of her follower 'friends' behind her like a person leading their dogs. She was rich and was treated like a queen. The teachers were even scared of her since regardless of her nasty behaviour, her parents would threaten to close down the school at the slightest argument from a teacher. She just got away with being a brat, which made her take advantage. She loved to be the centre of attention, as most people like her do, and hated not being talked about, even if that meant the constant bitching about her.
She lived for the buzz of ketamine and cocaine on the weekend nights which she easily got a hold of with the money flowing straight from her parents' pockets. At just 18 you could tell from her eyes it was getting to her.

'Hey!' we all shouted at each other excitedly like a group of small children, talking about what had happened over the weekend and gossiping just like any group of annoying girls.

'SHH!' my teacher screamed 'Go sit in your places girls'

We quietly giggled as we stumbled to our desks.

Rose was the beautiful and very outgoing one. She didn't care much for consequences. She had very light blue eyes and natural bleached blonde hair that was dead straight and hung softly on her shoulders and her voice was a mellow, sweet sound. She liked to speak her mind, making it funny and relieving to be around her honest attitude.

Keller had beautiful dark purple, braided hair that stopped neatly bellow her ribs. She had gorgeous brown skin that was always clear, she never seemed to breakout with spots like the rest of us. Her dark, intense eyes drew people in and she had a knack for talking her way out of things. She, honestly, was the person I felt the closest too.

Ami was the cutest, most adorable one with her pale hazel eyes and bright red hair that she nearly always wore up but occasionally, when she got tired of us telling her she was beautiful she'd wear it down once in a while. She was an anxious creature but a kind one.

Danni had dark brunette hair that fell onto her shoulders in a messy wave and was a contrast to her pale skin and deep blue eyes. She was one of those more serious friends, she brooded a lot and could be scarily distant at times but she was great fun.

I on the other hand had light browny blonde hair with green eyes that, thanks to my dads genes, had flakes of orange by the pupil. Luckily, my skin held on to tan, keeping my skin looking sun kissed even during winter.

'English' Rose whined with her bell like voice. 
English was a lesson I particularly enjoyed however our incredibly dull and lifeless teacher, Greggory Holland, seemed to make anything seem endless. Heidi stared in my direction and over looked me and my pack, I don't know why I called our group a pack but it felt like one.

I smiled at her showing my teeth. I did that naturaly and it sort of came to me when I was trying to threaten someone. She frowned and gave me her resting bitch face.

'Umm so class, would you get out your textbooks please' The teacher stuttered. At the same time he said 'textbook' I just blanked. I just drifted off. I did that automatically it was like second nature I was so used to it.

I woke up from my day dream to the school bell ringing and our teacher dismissed us. We slowly walked out into break thanking life it was over but were struck by a piercing scream that come from the fields at the back of the building. Hesitantly we jogged over to find out what had happened. About 50 people were all crowded around something and many people were crying. The teachers were trying to calm people down while on the phone to 999.

Me and the pack squeezed through everyone and I held on to Ami's sweaty hand, feeling her nerves. I felt her tense up and stop breathing. I pushed around her and stared at what was causing the commotion. 

One of the kids in the year below were lying on the floor all magled and bloody with rips cut out of him. I fell backwards and felt tears well up in my eyes. The smell was disgusting and the others cried and/or stared in complete shock. Rose ran away to throw up.

'what...happened' I stammered in a whisper.  A guy behind me knelt down
"This crazy kid went to student services because he was saying a huge animal came in and ripped this boy apart while he was alive."

I stared in shock 'What?....why.....' I stopped as I heard a siren. This was the fourth time. All the witness's claimed there were huge animals. But it was England...nothing like that could have happened.

As I came out of the crowd of people I felt a flood of anger wash through me. I froze. I started feeling bile in my mouth and I ran to the bathroom. I puked into the toilet while Keller held my hair out of my face and rubbed my back, she'd seen me go pale and followed me into the bathrooms. The feeling inside me was unexplainable, I was livid.

I stopped and wiped my mouth with a tissue. The others ran in, staying by the door. Rose came over and felt my head. 

'JESUS Luna YOU'RE BOILING!' She told me wide eyed.

'I will take her to medical' Keller, being the mum of the group as usual.

I got a letter from our nurse and was sent home but that didn't stop the fury inside me. I threw up a bit more as I got in and then the flood of anger rushed through me like a punch to the gut once again. I didn't know what was happening. Was I going to die? should I call an ambulance? I was terrified. I was so mad and I didn't know why.

I was sweating buckets and I was extremely restless. I ran up to my bedroom and slammed the door and screamed at anyone who went near it.

Suddenly after a few hours of pure anger i heard a tear and I felt my body morph... 

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