Well that was unexpected.

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My jaw dropped , then I thought about earlier how the way this lady looked , the way Jayde's mom looked and sounded reminded me of Jayde. Weird part was Jayde looked and sounded exactly like her and it was kinda freaky. "wait so your her mom then he's her dad" I pointed to the guy who was sitting next to her , she smiled and nodded her head not taking her eyes off Jayde who had tears in her eyes. I had never seen Jayde cry before so this was new , she had always been that tough person that never backed down to anyone , but here she was crying right in front of me and I had always thought id never see it happen. Her mom and dad smiled at her. Her mom ran her hand trough Jayde's hair taking out the knots gently. Her dad was healing her wrist , ankles and cuts  with some type of magic. Soon Jayde was healed but some of them left scars all over her body. I looked down wishing I could have saved her sooner and knowing it was partially my fault that this had happened to her. Her mom got up and walked out of the room leaving the three of us in a silence and I hate silences but for some reason I felt I shouldn't speak unless spoken to. Her father looked at me and a said a simple "Thank you" I smiled weakly and stayed quiet for some unknown reason , normally I would have bragged about how id saved her but that didn't seem appropriate at the moment and it's not like I've saved her before. She lightly punched me in the arm noticing my silence. "it's okay to talk" she smiled her faced healed and well. I smiled weakly and replied with a silent "I know" not wanting her to sense it was a lie. Her mom cane back in and Jayde sat up. Her mom handed her clothes and her mom pushed me and Jayde's dad outta the room. We stood in hall in a awkward silence for what seemed Like hours but was in reality only ten minutes. Her mom opened up the door and let us back in to see Jayde in a beautiful dress that matched her eyes , it went from grey to steel then to silver and the colors melted into the next. She looked absolutely stunning. Her mother wore something similar but hers had layers and was backless. Jayde smiled at me and I felt my cheeks warm up. I looked down and felt her dad elbow me I looked up and he was gone. Damn he moved quickly he was already next to her mom who was halfway across the room and the room was really big. Jayde walked up to me and as she got closer I noticed that she had silver eye shadow on and a shiny silver lip gloss that would defiantly show up on anything her lips touched. She had on a light bit of blush and a bit of mascara. To be honest she looked like she was going to some fancy party of some sort or even a ball. I caught myself staring at her and her lips started moving but I didn't hear anything all I could see was her lips moving forming words but I didn't understand and everything slowed down for just a second but she tilted her head and looked down at me concerned "reed, reed" I snapped out of it but just as I did she flicked my forehead. "Ow" I rubbed my forehead where she flicked me "reed did you hear me?" "no" I said truthfully " Wanna join us for dinner" she smiled looking hopeful that I would say yes and I also knew if I had said no she would beat my ass and force me. I said "yes" not wanting to go through the pain of that and also because I was extremely hungry. She smiled and hugged me , again I felt my cheeks warm up. She pulled away and walked back over to her parents who smiled at me. They walked over "you can call me Arie" "and you can call me matt". I smiled and nodded my head. I heard the door open and we all looked to it to see a guy that looked just like matt except he had Arie's eye's. He walked over to Jayde picked her up by her waist and spun and pulled her in for a hug.  She giggled and hugged him tightly he kissed her on head. "you finally decide to come home don't you Jayde." He laughed "well I did miss you little Brother" "I'm not little i'm taller than you" "But your my younger twin" My jaw dropped "Wait you have a twin?!?"

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