Wait Mom?!?

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I growled lowly as.more guards flooded the cell blocking our way of escape. They finally stop coming around we were surrounded by hundreds of them. I did the only thing I could think of which was to distract them. I aimed a Ki blast above there heads , holding Jayde close in one arm and fired the Ki blast. It hit the roof and that section including the some of the castles above collapsed on them killing about a fourth of them. I shoot up into the sky holding onto Jayde tightly but not to tightly not wanting to hurt her but also not wanting her to fall. I flew up just above to see the guards following. I couldn't fight with Jayde in my arms. I put her in a Ki bubble and flew off at god speed and put her in a cave then went back. When I arrived they were barely getting up to were I was. I snickered quietly and laughed. "what are you laughing at" I heard one of them growl out. I laughed again "at how slow you guys are and how I'm gonna kill every last one of you." He growled lowly and attacked at me with a punch. I caught his fist and twisted his arm and held it behind his back. He hissed and I laughed as I twisted his arm more causing it to dislocate. I laughed and Ki blasted him causing him to disintegrate. The others gasped as they saw what happened and tried to fly. I charged a attack and fired and they were gone. "Alright , who's next" I smirked slightly as they all attacked me , I spun around and a aura of crimson , black and grey surrounded me as they flew towards me it got stronger then it exploded taking them all out. I was now able to teleport to Jayde since I knew exactly were she was and did. When I got there she was asleep in the Ki bubble curled up. I smiled slightly , brought down the Ki bubble and picked her up holding her close wanting to protect her from the universes. She looked so weak and frail , it was like she was glass that could shatter at any moment. She smiled in her sleep when I picked her up and snuggled into my chest. My cheeks grew warm as she did so but pushed away the feeling knowing she just wanted to be warm , her skin was almost ice cold and her features were pale when I found her. I flew off into space searching for a Original that could take off the chains when my mind wandered to a certain goddess I had heard of that was fairly close to where we were. I flew off there at god speed and landed minutes later. I knocked on her door and held Jayde in one arm and she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I felt my cheeks warm up again and heard the door open. I looked up and saw a Male and female standing side by side. The female was about 6'9 , had long curly beautiful black hair that reminded me of Jayde's. She had stunning eyes that were made of three different shades that melted into each other it went from grey , to steel to silver as approached her pupils. She had a light caramel colored skin again all the features reminding me of Jayde. The male was around 7'7 he had piercing red eyes , dark black spikey hair resembling a super Saiyan hair style. He had a olive skin color and was built much better than I was.

The female figure looked in my arms and gasped as if she recognized Jayde. She turned to the Male and looked at him with worry fear and a couple more emotions I couldn't name. He looked at me then to Jayde and quickly ushered us inside. They showed me to a room and told me to lay Jayde down. I didn't want to , I didn't know these people and I sure as hell didn't trust them , but they can help so I did carefully afraid I might break her like glass. I watched there every moves as they approached the bed and took off the chains with ease. To say I was shocked was a understatement. I was completely impressed. The female looked at me and smiled softly "thank you" she said softly , her voice flowed out of her mouth like silk. "For what" I asked a bit confused. I looked over at Jayde and saw that she was waking up. I smiled slightly and her eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal her colorful eyes that shown like diamonds. My mind drifted off to other thoughts and images and felt my cheeks warm up again. I mentally slapped myself. She looked at me and smiled weakly then looked at the female and her eyes widened as much as possible. "M...mom". My jaw dropped "Wait Mom!".

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