*-Chapter One-

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I shuffled my food around my plate cringing at the visable tomatoes. "Astrid." My father called and I looked up at the blond haired, blue eyed, white man and smiled. I knew that I had it good, I was adopted right before I turned seven and Johnny and Renée we're really great people. They took care of me and welcomed me into there family after they found out they wouldn't be able to conceive anymore kids after they had, Tamara there biological daughter who never got used to the adopted kid in the family.

"You alright?" My mom asked her brow starting to furrow and I nodded quickly trying to cover up the deep gut wrenching feeling in my stomach.

"Yes I am just sad that Tamara is graduating tomorrow. Just a bit of nostalgia." I looked to the rustic brown haired girl across from me and she gave me a tight smile her pale green eyes boring into my deep hazel ones. People would aal a days say we looked alike just to make fun of us but Tamara had brown hair, green eyes and pale skin. Where as I had black hair that curled up automatically, hazel eyes and tanned skin.

"I'm glad to get away from this town." She said shortly and went back to her phone. I rolled my eyes turning back to my parents.

"I have an essay to finish. Can I be excused?" I asked and my mother weakly nodded. I darted from the table and ran up the other winding staircase before collapsing on my bed letting out a sob into my pillow.

Today was the anniversary of my mothers death and they knew it but didn't want to say anything because for the past nine years I have cried a little on this day. Detective Graham usually called on this day but this time he didn't. I was going ending my sophomore year of high school and he knew the calls we're getting pointless because every year he couldn't tell me where my father was. After nine years! He didn't even have a lead because a six year old witness is not much of a case especially with the little amount of physically evidence they had.

I rolled over and looked up at the mirror over my bed sighing slowly to calm myself down. I never gave up hope that they would find him because he was out there somewhere. I stared at the buldge of my overly big breasts down to my pudgy stomach, past the dip in my large thighs to my wiggling piggies. I wasn't fat, I was chubby but that was enough to keep the teenage male population in this town away from me.

I got up and wiped my face before stepping into my closet to find something to wear to the graduation tomorrow. I knew that this was a bad idea because every time I picked an outfit the night before I turned out changing my mind and wearing something completely different.

I stood in my closet for two hours before I settled on a dark blue skirt and a tan shirt before I went to bed. Of course the next morning indesiceed against the skirt and went with a pair of grey leggings and a red high-low shirt. I pushed my nappy curls back and made sure that it wasn't on my ears so my lagybug earrings could show before I bounded down the stairs to the kitchen.

My mother greeted me as she scurried around the kitchen making breakfast and I looked to my dad who was staring at his phone intently. "What's hanging, monkey?" He chuckled when I kissed his cheek and plopped down next to him.

"Just ready to get this graduation over with." I said. "Where's Tamara?"

"You and me both." He sipped his coffee before continuing." She's upstairs panicking over what to wear. You should go help her."

"I don't think she wants my help." I answered. I grabbed the syrup looking at him and he tilted his head giving me that look until I signed and grabbed a piece of toast and heading upstairs.

I knocked on her door before walking in and leaned against the door frame as she stood in the middle of the floor looking in the mirror. Her small frame was wrapped in a purple dress that flowed down to her knees, she looked at me through the mirror.

"Is this too carefree considering the importance of this day?" Tamara asked turning to me. " I asked Jasper about the last four outfits and he just told me I looked good in all of them."

"I think it looks good. Very flowy, not too edgy or professional." I answered truthfully and she hugged turning to me.

"Are you unconsciously aware that that is my intention? I don't want to look "not too edgy or professional". I want to look nice." She snarled and stomped back into the closet. I rolled my eyes and munched on my toast as she came back out in a tan pencil skirt and a orange blouse. She smiled at her reflection and looked to me, I nodded and she shoke her hair out of the ponytail. Loose curls fell around her shoulders and she finger combed her bangs back before pushing her feet into her nude flats.

"Your little friend is going to be there too. Then you won't look like that much of a loner, my God what are you wearing?" She said wiping her skirt off and I looked down at my black flats, grey leggings, and red shirt wearily.

"I thought this looked nice." I defended and she rolled her eyes motioning out the door.

I followed her downstairs and we finished breakfast before we all headed out. We evetually got seated and in looked out at all the people in cap and gowns biting my lip.

"Charles Adams." The first name was called and I leaned back into my seat.

"1 down 1198 to go until her name is called." My Dad said and I sighed.

I hope I didn't leave my room light on..


A/N: You made it! Ty for reading and I hope you enjoyed a little peak into the lives of the Zeke family.

So far we have...

Johnathan Zeke - Dad

Renée Zeke - Mom

Tamara Zeke - Sister

Astrid Zeke - Main Character

Till the next chapter, Alvanae

Me? I'm Just A Girl (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now