*-Chapter Two-

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As soon as the ceremony was over I shot out of my seat and headed towards the bathroom because holding your bladder for two hours straight was just barbaric. I scurried into the bathroom, used it and washed my hands and then came out wiping my shirt off just as I rammed into someone. My face hit the floor before I could catch myself and I groaned loudly rolling over.

"Jesus shit." I muttered and started to stand up when a hand shot out to help me up. I took it and stood up huffing, as my eyes traoed up the torso of a man. I stepped back looking at him and his amazingly long hair caught my eye before I looked to his deep brown eyes that bored into mine. His black dress shirt was pressed against his stomach sexily that was paired with a pair of dark washed jeans that we're tucked behind the tongue of his comabt boots. His skin wasn't pale but it wasn't as dark as mine.

I stared at him enjoying the view completely and his head tilted to the side as he smirked at me. "Astrid!" I heard my name being squealed from the other side of the long narrow hall that lead to bathrooms from the auditorium. I tore my eyes away from gorgeous hunk of male in front of me and looked down the hall at my best friend Jaycee. I glanced back at the guy before stepping around him and walking to Jaycee.

"Hey.." I said, suddenly out of breath. She looked over my shoulder raising her eyebrow and I shrugged. "Just some guy that ran into me." I said just as I heard the door to male bathroom close and she nodded slowly.

"Well our families are outside taking pictures of the oh so perfect couple." She explained, she was referring to her older brother Jasper and Tamara who had been dating for all of middle school and high school. I followed her out and couldn't get that crooked smirk and those deep brown eyes out of my mind.

I mean he was certainly older then me and he was out of my league in so many ways but I couldn't help but think about him because once you see a hot faces you think about it until you can't anymore.

We walked up to our families and I stared at Jasper as he wrapped his arms around Tamara and kissed her cheek, the cameras flashed and I rolled my eyes crossing my arms. Jaycee stifled a snort and I smiled at my best friend of four years, walking into 6th grade was hard but as soon as Jaycee came up to me with her grey eyes and dark Ginger hair I knew it would be fine. She was prettier then me by at least to standerd deviations.

We stood there as they took pictures and when they we're done Jaycee turned to me smiling. "Who was the hunk of junk you we're talking to by the bathrooms?" She asked.

"We weren't talking." I answered shortly but that wasn't enough for Jaycee of course.

"Then what we're you doing?" She asked glancing over my shoulder.

"He bumped into me and I fell down, he helped me up and then that's it." I said and she looked over my shoulder again smirking. "Jesus what are you looking at?"

"Your hunk of junk is coming this way." She smirked and I widen my eyes.

"What?" I whispered shouted and she nodded slyly. "Why is-"

"DeLuca my man! We made it!" Jasper roared and let out a battle cry as he approached the hunk of junk as Jaycee put it. Apparently his name was DeLuca, it suited him though. I watched as he did that handshake thing with Jasper and smiled a terrific smile. So he was older..hm.

"For a moment there I thought you we're gonna be a senior for the rest of your life." DeLuca laughed and my stomach did flips.

"Ha Ha very funny." Jasper pushed him and they laughed as Tamara snaked her arm around him and I looked to Jaycee who fake gagged. I giggled and she looked back to them.

"DeLuca, always a delight to see you." Tamara snarled and DeLuca mimciked a fake laugh rolling his eyes at her. The only guy that I noticed wasn't victim to her beauty.

"Yea whatever." He said and looked back to Jasper.

"Oh dude this is my little sister Jaycee, her friend and Tamara's little sister Astrid." Jasper introduced and DeLuca turned to us smiling that perfect crooked smile.

"She's my adopted sister." Tamara snarled and Jasper hushed her rolling his eyes.

"Nice to meet you both." He said staring directly at me before he pushed his hair back that I noticed he had put into a bun. I gulped and turned to Jaycee who was smiling like a goof. She pulled me aside as they started talking again and slapped my arm playfully.

"He so thinks your cute." She gushed and I shook my head giving he the "really" look to which show  rolled her eyes. "You should talk to him, Astrid."

"Oh yeah, Jay, and what am I supposed to say? Plus he's like way older then me." I whispered so they couldn't hear me and she giggled shaking her head.

"Your making it harder then it really is, Ri. Just go talk to him, that's what I did with Dean and we're still together after seven months." She smiled happily at her relationship with Dean and I envied her. Nothing was worse then being and ugly and knowing it by being constantly reminded of it by your gorgeous best friend and her equally cute boyfriends perfect relationship.

I was about to answer her when her parents called over. I watched them for a moment before I felt someone standing next to me and I stiffened. "You look tense." DeLuca stated and I bit my lip nodding.

"Glad you have a keen observation now scurry along." I responded. He chuckled and I reveled in that beautiful sound before turning to him, he looked down at me still facing forward and he smiled.

"Astrid, right?" He asked and I nodded turning back ahead, I didn't want him to see the front of my face. A side view was less atrocious. Ha, as if.

"I don't think you need to know my name to walk the other way." I answered.

"What makes you think that I want to walk away from you?" He asked, he sounded offended. But then again my hearing isn't the best in the market. Hearing aids are more trusty then my ears if we are being honest.

"Because you don't want to be seen with the privelaged chocolate drop." I chuckled but he didn't laugh. Just stared at me, I felt the heat of his gaze as I stared at the parking lot.

"I think that they will be jealous to see me with such a abnormally beautiful woman." He answered smoothly and when I looked over at him, he was gone.


Did I forget to make my bed?


A/N: Who's loving DeLuca or Astrid? If we're being honest, Tamara is a bit of a twat.

But don't worry, there is more DeLuca and Astrid action coming in the next chapter.


Till the next chapter, Alvanae

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