*-Chapter Three-

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"Oh come on, we have been on break for weeks and we haven't had our sleep over yet." Jaycee pleaded to me over the phone. We we're currently debating over which activity to do this week. I plopped down on the couch in my room by the window and stared out it sighing.

"Why cat we just go to the movies or something, Jay? We can have a sleep over next week when the shark isn't swimming in the shallows end." I whined referring to my period and she let out a loud and long sigh.

"Because, Ri, my patents are going to ask Jasper to take me and then he will want to go see something and bring Tamara and then she will bring her attitude and I just don't want to deal with your sister." She answered and I rolled my eyes knowing she was right. "Your shark week is gonna have to deal with a sleep over." she added.

"We can go see a different movie then them and just deal with them on the way there and back. Please Jay." She finally caved and I smiled.

"What time?" She asked and I looked at the clock.

"Eight. I'm sure there is a movie that'll be around that time." I answered and she agreed before hanging up. I stepped into my closet grabbing a pair of dark jeans and a green shirt that wasn't cut too low.

After showering, straightening my hair and getting dressed I looked in the mirror biting my lip. My hair fell just around my shoulders asi bent over to tie my combat boots up. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch next to my Dad.

"What's hanging, monkey?" He asked and wrapped his arm around my shoulders smiling as I leaned into his side.

"Do you ever regret adopting me?" I asked lowly and he glanced at my mother in the kitchen before looking to me.

"Of course not, you are my baby girl and me and your mother love you very much. Where is this coming from?" He kissed my temple and I smiled. I had it good even though I didn't deserve it.

"I love you guys too." I said truthfully.

"Hate to break up the party but Jasper and your little friend are waiting for us at theatre so let's go." Tamara said walking in front of us and my Dad gave me a soft smile before I got up to follow her out the door.

We didn't say anything on the way there, just listened to music cf on the radio until Tamara started gossiping on the phone with one of her many friends. I stared out the window silently listening to her talk about her sex life with Jasper and mentally rolled my eyes at how she compared her orgasms with him to a non-stop fireworks show. As soon as we parked I darted out of the car and walked quickly to the quad in front of the theatre, I walked over to Jaycee and she smiled at me.

"Hey." She beamed and I smiled briefly before I looked around.

"Where's your brother?" I asked and she motioned to the line.

"Getting our tickets with Dean and-" I stopped her hitting her arm. She rubbed her arm sighing.

"You invited your boyfriend?!" I yelled, a few people looked at me weirdly so I lowered my voice crossing my arms. "Now who am I supposed to sit with? I am the awkward fifth will." I huffed.

"DeLuca is here too." She said when I finished and she smiled as they walked over. I stepped next to her as they approached, Dean was wearing a blue t-shirt with some logo on it and light jeans. Jasper had on a white shirt and blue jeans, but DeLuca on the other hand had on a dark blue shirt with black jeans and black converse. His hair was mostly pulled back in a bun but there where stray hairs that feathered has neck, I involuntarily licked my lips.

"Alright were all set. You guys ready to go in?" Jasper asked us and I looked to Dean who pushed his shaggy blonde hair back as he smiled at Jaycee then to Tamara who smiled at Jasper and groaned inwardly. Fuck my life dude.

I followed them inside sighing and when we found our seats Jaycee pushed me after DeLuca when he said he'd get the snacks. I sighed and he waited for me before he continued walking to the stands.

"They set us up, you realize that right?" I asked lowly and he looked down at me. Something told me to look up at his brown eyes but I kept my eyes on the ground as we moved up in the line.
"I don't have a problem with that. I enjoy your presence." DeLuca said and I sighed shaking my head. Bullshit, I thought to myself.

"You haven't even spent more then five minutes with me." I snorted and he shrugged.

"Your a spit-fire aren't you." He chuckled and I once again shook my head adding an eye roll.

"I've learned that holding your tongue can get people either hurt or killed." I tried to say strongly but voice strained at the end. I cleared my throat and blocked off my thoughts about my Mom as we stepped up in the line.

"Tell me that you don't want this to be a date and I will tell Jasper that something came up and I have to leave." He said grabbing my arm so I could turn to him. I stared at his hand until he let go of me and I sighed looking up at him.

"If I say yes this is a semi-date will you drop the subject so we can get the damn popcorn and twizzlers?" I asked he laughed lowly.

"Yeah sure." He said and I nodded about to turn back ahead when someone called my name behind us. I turned slowly and saw Detective Graham come towards us. Now is the time to fucking panic, I said to myself.

"H-hey." I stuttered as he approached us. His wife smiled at me sadly and I looked away from her to her husband.

"Hey I have some news on your mothers case." He said a little loudly and I sighed. Really?

"Will, let's not do this now. Let the poor child enjoy her date." Bianca whispered to her husband and he looked at her before looking back to me.

"Now Bianca, let's not start this. This is important and she needs to know." He pleaded and she gave him a stern look.

"Detective.. it's fine really you can just call my parents and tell them." I said hoping he would just go away. He shook his head stepping closer to me.

"It's about Marsha and your father." He said lowly, he was so close I could notice that sparkle in his eyes was back. He was happy that after so long he finally had a lead in my mothers murder but I didn't want to hear it. I had finally gotten away from my past and now he was here intersecting my good graces.

"Call my parents." I said shortly as I stepped back. I tried to hide the pain in my eyes as his wife pulled him back towards there kids and clauses of my mother laying in a pond of her blood on the kitchen floor flashed into my mind. I pushed them out and turned towards DeLuca. He handed me the Twizzlers and didn't say anything until we we're about to go back into the movie. He grabbed my arm gently and I looked up at him finally noticing how good he really looked today.

"Are you alright?" He asked after a moment and I nodded slowly taking my arm back.

"It's not your problem to worry about." I said shortly and he looked conflicted.

"What if I want to worry about you and your problems?" He asked. His satre was so heated I had to look away.

"You don't even know me." I muttered. He chuckled lowly.

"Yea, but I know you have demons just like me and everyone else in this world. And whether you want me too or not, I'm going to get to know you and your demons." He stepped around me and walked into the theatre. Leaving me with my thoughts.

Well Fuck..

Did I leave my flat iron on?


A/N: Another chappy for you guys. :)

I have decided that the song for this book is Force of Nature by Bea Miller.

I have playlist that I listen to while I write the chapters and if you guys want I can put that on here as well.

Till the next chapter, Alvanae.

Me? I'm Just A Girl (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now