*-Chapter 4-

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As soon as the movie started, Jaycee and Dean moved up two rows so they could "get a better view" but I knew that they just wanted to make out. Jasper and my sister ended up finding some of her friends and sitting with them that left me and Mr. Get To Know Your Demons to sit through this sappy romance movie.

I sat back as the movie played and DeLuca looked back at me following my actions, one of the benefits of sitting at the way top of the theatre. I felt him look at me and turned my head to look at him and his amazing smile.

"Your so pretty..." he muttered lowly and I chuckled shaking my head but I didn't look away from him.

"I think your referring to my sister." I snorted lowly and he grunted under his breath.

"Stop selling yourself short. Your sister isn't as beautiful as you think." He answered and I shifted in my seat.

"Your just saying that because Jasper is your bud or whatever and you can't really look at her like that." I said.

"Changing the subject, how does that whole family situation work?" He averted my statement and I glanced down to his lips before looking back to his eyes. My eyes had a mind of there own sometimes you know.

"She's adopted." I joked and he laughed lowly, his chest vibrating. He didn't say anything after that and I turned back ahead just as he said something else.

"I wanna take you on a proper date." He said and I shook my head sighing.

"Look, your uh very decent so I'm sure there are plenty of girls who'd rather go on that date." I said but who was I kidding, I wanted to go on that damn date and we all know he is not just decent.  He's fucking hot!

"Yeah okay. How about next Wednesday?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know." I said shortly as I stared back at the movie, pretending to be interested in it but we all knew that the skinny bitch was gonna end up with the hot sweet guy and he'd make her a better person and they would end up with a bunch of equally bitchy and hot kids to make more sappy ass movies for those couples who can't have sex because it's her shark week so they go to a sappy ass romance movie about sappy stupid skinny bitch.

"You act like I child." He groaned snapping me out of my mental debate with my subconscious.

Just say yes, my subconscious groaned and I sighed. Its not that I don't want too, it's more of a I'm afraid to go.

"Because just a few years ago I was a pubesent teen." I shot back and he stiffened beside me. I looked at him raising my eyebrow. "Does my age bother you?"

"Of course not." He answered but he was still stiff. I moved his hand to his shoulder unconsciously unaware that I was doing it.

"Then what?" I pressed and he nodded his head towards the movie. I looked to the screen to notice it was a steamy seen where the girl had her shirt off, clearly this was rated R.

"And your hand is on my shoulder." He added and I instantly moved my hand.

"Sorry. Do you wanna get up and go for a walk? I'm sure they won't miss us." I asked and he nodded quickly.

We walked out of the theatre and into the hall where there we're a few people but other then that we we're alone. He took a deep breath and glanced down at his pants before sitting down on a far bench in the hall. I hesitantly sat next to him and he smiled softly.
"Why do you smile so much?" I asked.

"Because you don't smile enough." He answered.

"Not much to smile about." I said turning my head towards him. He stared at me.

"I've had many girlfriends in the..years that I have been here but none of them have been as fiesty as you." He said.

"Were not dating, Luca." I said and he looked amused. "What?" I asked.

"You called me Luca." He said as if I was supposed to know what he was talking about. I raised my eyebrow and he quickly continued. "Its just not most people call me that and the ones that do..or did they we're close to me."

"Did?" I asked as I looked past him down the hall, a familiar figure was coming towards us but I couldn't pinpoint who it was.

"Not important." He said but I didn't answer him. I stared down the hall at the ascending figure and finally knew who it was.

"Astrid? Are you okay?" Luca asked and I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.

"That-that's my biological father.." I stuttered as I stared at the man. He looked directly at me had the fucking nerve to smile.


Did I change the batteries on my lava lamp?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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