Chapter Two (Goodbye)

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After we finished our session I left the hospital and walked to my car. After driving for what seemed like forever, I pulled up at my house. I took in a sharp breath, I knew what was coming. I unlocked the door and crept inside, to see Henry running towards me. "Mommy, Mommy!! You home! You home!!" I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Regina? Can I see you for a moment?" Robin yelled down the stairs I tensed and walked into the bedroom. "Why did you ring me today?" He spat. I shuddered. "Well?" He asked expectantly. "I-I... Well the Doctor asked when I was diagnosed and I-uh-I-well forgot, I-Im really sorry Robin." I stuttered shaking with fear. "Of course you forgot. You always forget, I told you, I want nothing to do with your cancer. Okay?" He yelled. I winced. "But we are supposed to go through this together, I didn't ask for this." I plead. "And I didn't ask for you!" He yelled. He hit me across the face, I brought my hands up to the stinging area of flesh. I cowered, he carried on hitting me. I felt pain searing through my veins. After it was all over, he left the house. My chest was throbbing, I told Henry to get in the car and we drove to A&E. We waited for eight hours until 3am, by then Henry was asleep, across two chairs. "Next!" I look around and poke Henry, he sits up and rubs his eyes, I grab his hand and lead him to the nurse who then takes us to room four. "Mommy, four, like me!" I smile and walk in. "So, what's the problem?" The problem was I needed to get away. "I just want a check up, on my chest, I fell down the stairs and hurt it." I lied. He nodded, and led me to get an X-ray. After the examination, the doctor came back in and shown me the results, nothing. Thank god. "All clear, miss." He declared. I smiled. After we got back, Henry went to bed and I ran a hot bath, to clean off and examine the injuries. I hissed in pain as the lukewarm water hit my open wounds. After I bathed I got into bed, and checked the clock, 4:38. I frowned and tried to sleep. My surroundings became blurry as my existence drifted to unconsciousness.
I woke up at 6:11 to hear Robin talking to Henry. I got dressed and headed downstairs. "Robin, when did you get here?" I ask, he smiles at me, is he bipolar? "At about 5." He answered laughing. "I five soon!" Henry chimes in. "Henry go watch a movie for a second, your father and I need to talk." I say. He nods and runs off. "Oh my god, Regina, did I do that to you? I am so sorry, I'm so sorry." He traced one of the cuts on my cheekbone with his forefinger, he held my face and kissed my fore head. He pulled me into a hug. He started stoking my hair. "I'm so sorry, Regina. I'm so, so sorry" he kept murmuring. I broke down and cried into his shoulder. I finally mustered enough strength to pull away. "Robin, I don't think we should be together." I whisper. "What?" He asked, obviously upset. "Well, this isn't the first time this has happened and we are better as friends." I say. He nods and tears form in his eyes. "I swear I can change." He whispered. I smile. "I love you, as a friend, Robin." He frowned but nodded, not letting the tears slip from his eyes.

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