Chapter 10 (The Note)

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We came home, after finishing the pizza. I smile at the sight of my new found family. I walk upstairs to find my phone. After a while of searching I saw Emma, staring at my wardrobe. "Henrys taking a nap." She said. "Okay. What is it your looking at?" I asked, she turned and pointed at the note she had left me. It seemed like a forever ago. I smiled. "You kept it up." She said, I nodded. "I never moved it." I whispered. She smiled and walked up to me. "I left a note under it." She whispered. I smiled and walked up to it. I took the first note down. Sure enough, there was a second note.
'Hey, Regina,
I know we got really drunk, because my head is pounding. Henry's a good kid, you did well raising him. This cancer thing sucks. I'm sorry it had to happen to you. By the way, there is twenty dollars in the envelope, under this. I told you I was paying. Careful, its been down my shirt.
I walked up to her and smiled. She smiled at me too. I leant in and kissed her, before walking downstairs, and preparing the meat, for lasagne. Henry was laid on the sofa, asleep. As I put the lasagne in the oven, I felt arms snake around my waist. I smiled and spun around, never breaking contact. I kissed Emma then walked into the living room, where I saw Henry, I nudged him. "Hen? Hen?" His eyes fluttered open, he looked at me. "Guess what I'm cooking for dinner?" I said in a singsong voice. His eyes lit up. "Lasagne!!" He shouted. "That's right kid." Emma laughed. I ruffled his hair, and smiled. I sat down and felt a rough pain in my chest, I drew my hand up to my chest, and tried to steady myself. "Henry, get Emma," I said, pain searing through my veins. He ran off and I began cough. I tasted copper in my mouth. I saw Emma rush up to me. She put her hand on my forehead. "Regina! Your burning up! You need to lie down now!" She shouted, I nodded and moved my hand was way from my mouth. She gasped and grabbed a tissue, she wiped my hand and held up the tissue. I felt tears form in my eyes. "Regina, what's wrong?" She asked, concerned. "Its spreading, isn't it?" I said, my tears falling onto my face, she bit her lip. "To be honest, I can't tell. You need an ultrasound, I'll book you one. But what made you think that?" She asked, I looked down at my crimson stained hand. "I coughed up blood, Emma, I'm no doctor, but even I know I won't make it through this." I said sitting up. "And you know what? It sucks. I really sucks, I have to leave this world, I have to leave Henry and you. It isn't fair." I yelled. She nodded and wrapped her arms around me. "Shh it's okay." She repeated soothingly, as I cried. Eventually, she went to check on the lasagne and Henry came and sat with me. "Mommy, are you okay?" He asked, I shook my head. "Why mommy?" He asked innocently. I shook my head again. "It doesn't matter." I said. He nodded and frowned. "Are you and Emma married, because you and da-Robin aren't married anymore?" He asked. I shook my head. "Oh." He said, he got up. "I want you to married Emma." He said, whilst walking away. I reached over to the table and grabbed my phone and earphones, I put them in and pressed play on my phone, before drifting off to sleep.

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