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So I am in 13 right now and for some reason thought this would be okay. I don't own any of the characters or any of the references to the actual show or any of that jazz.

"Hey Patrice!" Archie shouted to his friend across the parking lot. It was the first day of school in the new year and he was looking for his friends. Patrice turned around with a huge grin on her face. "Archie there you are!" she engulfed him in a hug . "Whoah!" Archie gasped as he started to topple over but Patrice caught him just in time. "Sorry, I'm just really excited to see you again" she apologized. "Thats ok, I think these new crutches are defective anyway" he said as the two of them sat down on the curb. Patrice examined the new crutches for herself.

"They don't look that different from you old ones" she said. Archie just pointed to the almost spherical rubber parts at the end of his crutches. "Bottoms" he simply stated. "They are supposed to be designed to "shift with my weight for maximum comfort" but I think my mom just got sucked into an up-sell because all they do is slide around when I try to stand still". Patrice laughed at his imitation of the salesperson. Just before she was able to say anymore, the first bell rang signaling that they had to go inside. Patrice helped Archie up and as she started to walk Archie stopped her. "Wait Patrice theres uh... there's something I need to tell you". Patrice turned around to face the distressed boy.  "So over the summer something happened and since you were away the whole time I couldn't tell you but ah-".   Archie stood there trying to get the words out but it wasn't working.

"Well why didn't you say something to Evan, he said you guys hung out almost every day this summer" she asked. "But that's just the thing, it's kind of...about him". "I think- I think I like him". Patrice's jaw dropped and her books crashed to the ground. "You WHAT" she shouted. Archie cringed at her shriek. "Please don't freak out" he almost whispered. "Don't freak out, DONT FREAK OUT?" Patrice yelled as she paced back and forth. "Don't you think it's a little LATE for that Archie?" Archies face only fell further into a frown.

She hates me now. "I don't know how you could just drop something like this on me, I mean-". The shrill ring of the second bell cut her off. Patrice opened her mouth again but Archie just hobbled off. "I'll see you later" he said dejectedly. Archie entered the building and saw Evan at the other end of the hallway. "Hey Archie, how ar- "I'm not in the mood Evan" he mumbled and continued past his friend. Before Archie was able to leave, Evan grabbed his wrist. He swayed to the side, but Evan had a hand on his shoulder, keeping him steady. "Archie are you alright" he asked, concern rich in his voice. "Yeah I just- wanna be alone". Archie wrested his hand from Evans grasp and walked off. This time, Evan did not try to stop him.

Patrice couldn't focus in class, she was still in shock from what Archie had told her. She wasn't angry by any stretch, just very surprised. She hadn't expected something like this from Archie and felt awful about the way she reacted. I need to apologize to him now.

The second the bell rang, Patrice was out and looking for Archie. "Hey Patrice". "Hey Evan" she said absentmindedly as he approached from the hall next to her. "Do you know what's wrong with Archie" he asked. Patrice just sighed. "Yeah, but do you know where he is?" Evan didn't answer. Patrice turned to see him staring off into space. "Evan!" She yelled, clapping her hands in his face. Evan jumped and looked at her, startled. "What's distracting you" she asked. Evan opened his mouth but just then the bell cut them off. "I'll tell you later" he said as he ran off to class.

At the end of the school day, Patrice and Evan met in the parking lot with still no sign of Archie. "Man I'm really worried about him" Evan said. Patrice nodded in agreement. "So what did you want to tell me?" she asked. Evan let out a huff. "You might want to sit down for this" he said. The two of them sat on the curb like she and Archie had done that morning. When he told me that. "So this summer Archie and I got to spend a lot of time with each other" Evan started. Is he about to say what I think he's about to say?

"And I think- I think I like Archie, like in that way". Patrice's brain was fried, she had no idea what to do. "Uh, Patrice are you ok?" Evan asked, waving his hand in front of her face. Before she could even comprehend what she was doing her mouth started to move. "ThismorningArchietoldmehelikesyoutooandyouneedtogotalktohim" she blurted. Evan stood up, dumbfounded. "He did WHAT!?" Patrice stood up and brushed off her dress. "This morning Archie told me that he likes you too".

Evans expression turned from awestruck to giddy in two seconds. He was on cloud nine. Suddenly Patrice's phone rang. "Hello?" she answered. Evan could clearly hear Patrice's mother on the other end and when she hung up she said she had to leave. As Patrice ran off, Evan just stood there daydreaming. I can't believe Archie likes me too!

The next day Patrice came to school with the sole intention of apologizing to Archie. She walked briskly through the throng of students and into the main hallway where she spotted Archie coming out of the bathroom, head hung. She walked up and stood in front of him so he couldn't walk away from her. "What do you want Patrice" he asked, picking his head up to meet her gaze. Now that she could see his face, he had dark circles under his eyes and his face was very worn out. "Archie are you alright" she asked. "Yeah I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night, now will you leave me alone?" Patrice shook her head. "No Archie I came to apologize for yesterday. I'm not angry at you at all I was just- really surprised is all.

I mean, I wasn't expecting something like that from you, the boy who blackmailed Evan into getting him a "date" with Kendra". Archies eyes lit up a little. "So your not mad? Like, at all?" "Nope!" Archie sighed with relief. "Good because I thought I had lost one of my only friends". "Archie I would never leave you or Evan, we're a team remember?" Archie nodded. "Right!"

As the two of them turned to go to class, Patrice spotted someone peering around the corner, then pull back quickly. "Hey uh Archie, I think Evan is waiting for you over there" she said, pointing to where he had been looking out. Archie looked confused. "Why would Evan be waiting for me now, we don't have class together until third period." Patrice looked down at her shoes. "Um, I may or may not have told Evan that you liked him" she mumbled. "Wh- PATRICE!" Archie shouted. "Archie please its going to be fine" she said trying to calm him down. "He kinda told me that he liked you too" she whispered.

"Really?" She nodded. "Now go talk to him" she said. Archie moved up a little, then looked back at Patrice who only pushed him along. Archie took a deep breath and walked over to the corner where Evan was waiting. "Hey" he said quietly. "Hi" Evan almost whispered. The two of them stood there awkwardly until Evan broke the silence. "So what do we do now?" Archie shrugged.  "Date" Patrice coughed as she walked by. 

Archie blushed and looked at Evan.  " you want to-" "Yeah."  The two of them stood, once again, in silence; staring at everything but each other.  "Hey get to class you two" said a passing teacher, snapping them out of their trance.  "So see you at lunch?" Evan asked.  Archie nodded.  "Bye" he said as he hobbled away.  "Wait!" Evan gently grabbed his shoulder. 

"What time are we going?"  Archie looked confused "g-going where?"  "Uh, on our date?" Archies face turned bright pink.  "Oh yeah, um, what about tomorrow night?  I mean it is a Friday."  Evan nodded.  "It's a date then!" He said and walked away.  Archie watched him leave, then hobbled off to his own classroom, smiling to himself.

Holy balls this took so long to write.  So I was thinking of expanding this but I don't really want to make it into a full book unless I really have to.  So when I write more about this in the future, then it will be an expansion of this unless I say so.

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