Clarity and Ray

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Clarity POV

I just arrived in Star City. I can't wait to see my best Friend Felcity. She told me she would meet me at the airport. I got my luggage and was walking and when I saw my best friend and ran up to her.

"Felicity it's so good to see you" I said

"You to Clar" She said and hugged me

"So where are we going first" I asked while we are walking to the car

"To my apartment and I will show you where I work" Felicity said

"Okay" I said

We got into the car.

"Hey Felicity can I ask you something" I said

"Sure Clar" She said

"You Know how you use to work for Oliver Queen. Do you think he could be the Arrow" I asked

"Clar come on what makes you think he is the Arrow" She said

"He went missing for five years comes back and the Arrow comes about." I said

"When did you get so into all of this Clar" Felicity said

"Look me in the eyes and tell me Oliver Queen is not the Arrow " I said knowing she can't lie to me

She tries to look at me but she can't.

"Look Clar he is okay but you can't tell anyone I was planing on telling Oliver Knew you are my best friend" Felicity said

"Don't worry I know if I said something that would kill our friendship. Okay secret is save with me" I said

We arrived at her apartment and we dropped my suitcases there and drove to Palmer tech. Once there we walked up to her office.

"This is so cool" I said

"Thank you" Felicity said

While talking some guy in a suit walked in with black hair.

"Hi you must Felicity Friend" The guy said

"Yes that's me my name is Clarity Springs" I said

"Nice name my name is Ray Palmer" Ray said

"So you are her boss cool" I said

We talked for good ten minutes then he had to go. I turned to Felicity she a look on her face.

"What" I asked

"Nothing. I need to make phone call stay here" She said

"Okay" I said

She walked out and 5 minutes later she came back.

"What was that about " I asked

"I am hosting a party with some cool people . Your coming okay" She said

"Sure" I asked

"Yes now we have to go okay to get ready" She said

We left her office and headed home to the loft she shares with Oliver. We got ready and went to head to Verdant which is where the party is. I was outside fixing my hair when Felicity came out.

"You ready " She asked

"Yes " I said

"Good everybodys here" She said

We walked in and I saw lots of people but I saw the one person I new beside's Felicity which was Ray Palmer. I walked over to Felicity. While walking I nearly fell when Oliver caught me.

"Thank you " I said

"No problem Clutsy" Oliver said

"Really" I said and put my hands on my hips.

"Clarity I like you to meet Barry Allen, Catlin Snow and Cisco Ramon, Guys meet my best Friend Clarity" Felicity said

We talked for a while and Cisco ended up calling me glitch bescaues he found out I am good at computers like Felicity. After a while I looked around and saw Ray. I walked over to him.

"Hey you look handsome" I said

"You look beautiful" Ray said

"Thank you" I said and started blushing

"Then a slow came on.

"Would you like to dance" Ray asked

"Sure" I said and smiled at him

We started to dance while dancing Ray looked into my eyes.

"This might sound weird Clarity but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me " He asked

"I would love to" I said and I looked at Felicity she had this planned I know by the look on her face.

Both Ray and I looked at each other and we both leaned in and kissed each other.

Hope you like it. Sorry it took to long.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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