1: Confession

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ONE – Confession

“I like you.”


You were astonished of what you heard. You have heard several confessions before but this was different. That guy was different.

He was Levi. The Levi. He was a senior of your high school, the same year as you. He basically excels in everything – academics, sports, and even co-curricular activities. He topped the SAT’s, but it was rumored that he doesn’t even take studying seriously. He was also the former captain of the fencing club, but quitted due to an unknown reason. And he was always dragged to compete in competitions outside the school, and would always place first in every one of them. He was also damn good-looking, despite the height. Teachers always commended his excellent performance, girls were in love with him and wanted to be their boyfriend, and guys were always jealous of him.

And despite being one of the “top people” of the school, you were no exception in falling for his charms. You would always observe him from behind, only seeing his lean back most of the time. But now, he was with you in an alley near the school to which he dragged you. He was looking at you with those cobalt eyes, face to face. He had his hands gripped on your shoulders. Your face was flushed red.

You had no idea what to feel. You didn’t know if you should feel happy or flattered, because a guy like him likes you; or you should feel shocked, because he acted this way.

As far as you knew, he was always antisocial. You observed that he would always sit at the far back of the room, and people would have their chairs a bit farther away from him. He never recited as far as you could remember. People would rarely have the chance of talking to him, unless you’re a faculty member or someone from the Student Government. Heck, those people won’t even approach him unless it was highly necessary. He would disappear during breaks and dismissal time. He had no friends to talk to. Every time someone would attempt to do so, they would be pushed away so easily. He talks so cruelly and he knows how to push a person’s buttons to make them cry.

And here you are, seeing another side of him. You thought that he had no emotions, considering he would always wear a bored expression or an emotionless face. Hell, you thought that he even liking someone was next to impossible. You could feel that he was nervous. His eyes were filled with longing. And you felt that it was because of you.

You chuckled nervously and forced yourself a smile, saying, “Could you repeat that again? I bet I heard it wrong.”

“I’m serious, [name],” he said, his eyes piercing right down into your soul. “I really liked you for a long time, and I want you to go out with me.”

You wanted to say something, but were lost for words. You wanted to breathe, but something was preventing air to come into your lungs. He removed his grip from your shoulders, and air was finally able to enter through your lungs again.

Both of you were staring to each other for a very long time, much like an eternity had passed. Your mind felt like it was playing with you, and you were unable to fathom what was happening. He continued to stare at you, waiting for an answer, until he finally got tired and leaned on the wall of the alley. He took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it up, and inhaled through it.

“W-wait, aren’t cigarettes—?” you asked, but you were cut off.

“…Banned inside the school?” he finished. “Oh right, you’re one of the people in the Student Government.” He removed the cigarette and puffed a smoke. It smelled of cloves.

SNK: Come Round Soon (Levi x Reader) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now