
9K 350 724

Dedicated to KaenNomizu - I know you'd love this...

Warnings to attempted male-male sexual assault/dom-sub relationships.




At a mansion secluded from civilization, a man of a thousand years old lives there – living his endless years in solidarity.

His dark blue orbs shine against the white light of the moon. He has a small smile plastered on his face as he fixes the [f/c] ribbon that was holding the collar of a girl's dress. He took the scissor and trimmed the ends of her [h/c] hair, and then twirls the strands of hair that were at her sides. He looked at the beauty that was in front of him. She was indeed beautiful, but those [e/c] orbs of hers lack joy. It seemed that her life was sucked out of her.

"You look beautiful tonight, [name]," he said to her, brushing his fingers against the girl's [s/c] skin.

She could hear him. Even though she was dead, she could still hear him. Her sight and auditory senses were still working, but she couldn't react. She could see, but couldn't move her pupils. She could still hear, but couldn't reply to anything. She couldn't move her hands and legs, or even move her neck. She could only helplessly see and hear things around her, yet she couldn't move any part of the body to convey her emotions.

He then places his hand behind her back at her waist, and his other hand to the girl's hand. He pulled the girl up, having a little trouble. She was indeed made of skin and muscles, yet she couldn't do anything to lift them up.

"Shall we dance then, sweet [name]?" he says, and kisses the girl's unmoving lips.

When he released from the kiss, he noticed something that shocked him. The girl had liquid coming out of her eye. She was crying.

"Shhh..." he hushed her, placing her back at her 'throne'. He took a bloodstained handkerchief out and dried the tears that were forming on her eyes.

The man turned his head to the door, instantly turning hostile when he sensed a presence behind it. He waited for that presence to open the door and reveal himself. He was able to relax when he saw those aqua-colored eyes of the man.

"Damn, don't just sneak up in here like that," the man said, keeping the bloodied handkerchief at his pocket.

"I was supposed to inform you but the doll guard at the gate doesn't seem to work, so I let myself in," the other man by the door said, walking towards the other man and the feminine figurine.

This man had blond hair and blue eyes, and was tall. He wore a beige trench coat, pocketing his hands to it.

"I see that you're having fun, Raven. No wonder nothing was attacking me when I made my way here," the blond man said, with a smirk etched on his face.

"Please Erwin, didn't I tell you not to call me that? It makes me feel old. Just call me Levi."

"I know. I just wanted to see that grunt face of yours. I miss it," the man referred to as Erwin said.

"Just cut the crap and give me what you came here for," the man called Levi said. "What happened to that Jewish nose girl and his tall idiotic comrades?"

"Ain't that a bit mean, little Levi? You stereotyped all tall people to be dumb..." Erwin sang, inching closer to the smaller man.

"'Cause they are," Levi snapped, taking a step back. "Come on, I want to hear it,"

"I'm really impressed though, you actually killed all three of them," Erwin said. "They were confirmed dead."

"And their bodies?"

"I've disposed of them. It was really hard with the police around, but I've made a loop around that."

"Good. They might discover something out of those bodies.” Levi sighed, looking at the girl that was sitting on the throne. He took the scissor that was on the small table beside the girl.

“You know what, Erwin. She was really something. She made me happy for the first time in a really long time. I know I’ve said this a shitload of times, and I know I sound cheesy, yet those other girls just made me good physically – you know, for sex and shit? She actually made me happy inside, like my heart would explode because it was pumping out too fucking much.”

Erwin eyed the other man, only for a pair of sharp scissors to pass him - missing his face by millimeters, cutting a few strands of hair that were hanging by his face.

He looked at Levi. He was looking down, and his pupils were starting to dilate. His breathing was rash. He was stuttering. "But then... That damn woman just had to interrupt. Why the hell does she want me to suffer alone? She killed the two sacrifices."

“Why didn’t you just wait for another two? It would be a matter of time before she gets two new friends as sacrifices…” Erwin said, listlessly looking at the man breaking in front of him.

“As any other precious gem, she would be a target for thieves – thieves like that woman for example. I wouldn’t take any chances with her with another man – not in this fucking lifetime…”

Levi then felt something cold run down his cheek. He was crying. It was the first he did for a long time. He touched the corner of his eyes and felt his damp cheek. He wiped his tears yet it continued to flow down. All that he could do was to cover his face.

He then felt a hand tap his shoulder, looking up to the person that was behind him. He was then rashly pulled by the arm, and was pulled to the bed at the room. The blond man then pinned him down the bed. His crying eyes looked at him with fear. On the other hand, those aqua-colored orbs of the blond man looked at him fiercely, as if he completely dominated over the man that was beneath him.

Erwin then inched closer, placing his lips near the raven-haired man’s ears. “Remember, I saved you. You agreed to be mine. I just agreed to your foolishness because I don’t like seeing you sad… But remember, they will never replace me.”

As the night progressed, fear clouded the Raven’s mind. His begs and shouts fell unto deaf ears. Whilst on the other side of the room, an immortal doll continues to eye at them, only being able to shed one tear for her lover.



Authoress' Note: Well, this is the original ending. For any questions or situations that confused you, please comment them on this story, on my page, or simply message me. Aaaand by popular demand (?), the alternative ending will be posted - rather, two ('cause I am a little bitch LOL)

Thank you so much for continually supporting this story. Aaaand for the human who featured me on Tumblr, let me thank you again... Tumblr post is on the external link. Have a wonderful day~

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