9: Savior [editing]

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NINE – Savior


A few days passed after Levi has been discharged from the juvenile center. He only had to suffer of not going to school with the possibility of his grades going from straight A’s to F’s. Fortunately, you were there to teach him of the things that he needed for the examination before Christmas break. You are to give him the notes and homework online, because he himself was busy with other things.

To think of it, you don’t know much about Levi; even though you two are in a relationship. What’s worse is that he might know every single thing about you. He knows where you live, but you don’t have the slightest idea on how he gets home. You told him numerous stories of your family, and your childhood friends back at your hometown, yet you don’t know who his parents are, or even his friends. Sure, he socialized a bit more with people when you started dating him, but you couldn’t consider them as friends. Much less they were your friends, not his. The only things that you know about him is that he probably lives alone, he has characteristics that define a person with Obsessive Cleaning Disorder but he claims he doesn’t have any, and that he has an indefinable relationship with Mr. Erwin Smith, the teacher in your school.

“Hey, [name],” a familiar voice called out to you.

“Wait, what?” you said, snapping out from your daydreaming. You started looking from left to right.

“[name], you’ve been spacing out more than before,” the brunette young man said beside you, his emerald green eyes looking at you with concern. “Is there something wrong?” Right there and then, you had a weird case of déjà vu.

“Uhh, nothing Eren. I’m just wondering what I should do for Christmas,” you simply said, hoping it would pass out as an excuse. Gladly, he believed.

“Well, do you have plans of going back to your hometown?” he asked.

If you were given an option of spending your Christmas begging for alms in the snowy streets of the city with just a thin summer dress between spending it with your parents at their mansion, you would immediately put on the summer dress and run to the streets. Apparently, the streets are a treat compared to your past experiences with them and Christmas. That’s just how bad it is.

You forced a laugh, hiding the immediate sadness that formed in your heart. “Nope. As much as I would want to, I can’t for some reason…” you simply said.

“Do you have plans, though? I mean, it is the jolliest time of the year,” Eren said, letting out a smile.

“I don’t know, really,” you replied. “I think I would spend time with Levi if I could, or maybe he would be going back to his hometown for the holiday… I don’t know.”

“If you don’t have any plans, you could go with me and Mikasa,” he suddenly offered.

“Really? I-is it fine though? With your parents, I mean.”

“Well, to tell you the truth, they’re not coming. They wanted to spend with each other together in Germany, dad’s hometown…” Eren started to say. “So, that means it’s just me and Mikasa. It would just be annoying when it’s just me and her. Since we could cook something for Christmas Eve, why not invite one more guest, right?”


“Whatever. If you want to, you could come. Just call…” Eren said.

“Thanks…” you replied, and smiled. “…whatever that is.”

“Wait, I have to get something from Mikasa. Is that cool?”

“Sure, I’ll be waiting…” you replied, and let out a smile.

SNK: Come Round Soon (Levi x Reader) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now