2: Monochrome

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Warnings of horror and gore.


TWO - Monochrome

The next thing you knew, you woke up with the sunlight flashing through your eyes. You were laying on your bed in your bedroom in your apartment, still wearing your uniform, save the shoes and the loose tie.

Last thing you remember is that you felt drowsy, and you feel a pair of arms go behind your neck and behind your legs, carrying you to somewhere while you slip into sleep. You presumed it was Levi, and he took you back to your apartment. Wait, he doesn’t know where it is. You never took him in once, or told him about it for the matter.

You immediately picked up your phone and called Levi.

“What?” you heard a cold voice come out from the other side of the phone. Classic Levi.

“Hi, it’s me [name],” you replied with your most energetic voice.

“Oh, what do you want?” he replied, his voice becoming softer and gentler, but still had the rigidness present in his voice.

“Listen, I want to ask a question. Were you the one who took me to my apartment last night?” you asked hesitantly.

“Yep, and it was filthy. What about it?”

“Nothing. Nothing, really… Good to know.”

“You want anything else? I’m kinda busy today…” he replied with a rushed voice.

“How did you know where I lived?”

“Goodie little [name] always has her ID card with her, and I saw your address there…”

“Oh, okay then. Thanks for taking me home.”

“No problem. I did tell you I would be there, every time you need me,” Levi replied with the softest tone you have ever heard. It sent goose bumps down your spine, but it also made your cheeks turn red.

“Y-yeah, I remember,” you replied shyly. “Bye.”

“Clean your room,” and then he hung up.


After your conversation with Levi, you took a bath (because you looked like some cat dragged in). You proceeded to the shower booth and turned the shower head on.

While the water tickled your back and you washed your [h/c] hair, you could feel something, or someone watching you. You simply ignored it because you thought it was just part of your imagination from the stress Jean gave you, and the incident at school last night.

Last night.

You replayed everything that happened last night. After Jean left, you heard banging in the walls multiple times. After that, someone screamed. Then, the lights turned off. You went out and the banging continued. And then, the banging somehow became louder, and it seemed to be coming near you.

Then, someone whispered to your ear, and it screamed afterwards.

You heard the scream in your head. You convinced yourself it was a figment of your imagination, but it felt so real. The voice of that woman who screamed was entangled with torment, and a twist of pleasure. You breathed deeply to prevent yourself from shivering.

The screaming continued in your head. Then, your vision blurred into darkness. You felt that you could only see black and white. You felt your body freezing. You wanted to move but it seemed to be getting numb and you felt something cold wrap around your wrists and ankles, like chains. You felt lost in the darkness until you could see a small flicker of light in the horizon, like a firefly’s. You felt relieved. It felt warm.

SNK: Come Round Soon (Levi x Reader) [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now