call #15

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"hey, myspace girlfriend."

"is that what we're calling each other now?"

"well, i'm a boy. so i had hoped that you'd call me myspace boyfriend rather than girlfriend but i guess i'll take what i can get."

she laughs. "how about we move on from the myspace topic altogether?"

"is this your way of breaking up with me? because if so, you're really shitty at it."

"you just weren't emo enough for me, sorry."

"you're such a cold heartbreaker." he laughs.

"how's apartment decorating going?" she says, changing the subject after they've both calmed down from laughing.

"good. i decided to put shrek in the bathroom. thought it'd be nice to have some company in there every once in a while."

"that sounds utterly terrifying."

"it is. also mildly calming though."

"remind me to never visit your apartment," she says, her tone laced with amusement.

"i don't think we'll ever have to worry about that."

the amusement leaves her tone when she hears the slight sadness in his voice. "why's that?"

"well." he pauses. "i mean, this isn't real. one day i'll have to stop spending all my money on these calls and we'll both move on with our lives. you need your privacy, which i respect, but that just means that this is all temporary. we're temporary friends and one day we'll both just be distant memories for one another."

she sits silently on her bed, thoughtfully taking in what he's just said. she lets out a sigh before saying, "yeah, i guess you're right. i guess that just means we'll have to make the most of what we have now."    

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