the m o r n i n g after

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the brightness of the morning sun shining through his curtains is enough to make him want to shut his eyes and go back to sleep, but the heat he's experiencing is too much to ignore. his tired eyes reluctantly open, glancing down to see the figure sprawled out across his chest. a smile finds its way onto his lips and he decides that the heat's not so bad after all, shutting his eyes and willing his body to go back to sleep.

 a smile finds its way onto his lips and he decides that the heat's not so bad after all, shutting his eyes and willing his body to go back to sleep

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a shattering sound is what finally wakes him.

his eyes open and he notices that the heat he'd previously experienced is gone. he looks across the bed to see it empty. it's only when he turns his head towards the door that he notices her, bent over and picking up pieces of a broken glass.

"don't worry about that," he says sleepily, startling her.

he pushes himself up in the bed and smiles, stretching his arms above his head. she bites her lip nervously as her hands fumble together. "i'm sorry. i didn't mean to wake you. i just needed to use the restroom and then i accidentally knocked over the glass."

"second door on the right."


his smile only grows. "the bathroom. it's the second door on the right. i'll take care of the glass."

"oh." she pauses, looking down at her bare feet and then back at him. "thank you. sorry again."

he pushes himself out of the bed, making his way over towards the shattered mess. "don't worry about it."

the red tint on her cheeks doesn't fade as she nods and takes off down the hall. he begins picking up the broken glass when a shriek startles him, causing him to cut his hand on one of the sharp edges.

"fuck," he mumbles, holding his bloody hand as he rises to his feet, racing towards the bathroom. "is everything all right?"

"i'm sorry." she laughs nervously. "i forgot about the shrek cutout."

he laughs, relieved that that's all it was. "you're telling me it doesn't make you feel more comfortable?"

a smile takes over her features before it's quickly wiped away with a look of concern, her gaze traveling down to his injured hand. "what happened? are you all right?"

he shrugs. "don't worry about it. it's just a cut. do you think you can be ready in twenty minutes?"

"yeah, sure. why?"

"i'm taking you out for breakfast."

"i know this place doesn't look like much but they have the best pancakes in seattle

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"i know this place doesn't look like much but they have the best pancakes in seattle. i promise," he says reassuringly, looking over the top of his menu.

"and if you're wrong?" she teases.

"i'll let you burn shrek."

"tempting." she purses her lips. "though i don't think i'd have it in me to brutally murder your roommate over your mistakes."

"it won't come down to that anyway. these pancakes are going to blow your mind."

she laughs. "we'll see about that."

they place their orders with the waitress, two stacks of chocolate chip pancakes and two chocolate milks. she hurries off towards the kitchen and leaves the couple alone.

"i'm glad you stayed over last night," evan says, reaching across the table to place his hand on hers.

she smiles and intertwines their fingers, her gaze trained on their hands together. "me too."

"i can't believe you've known samantha this whole time."

"i can't believe you were samantha's older brother this whole time." she laughs. "she told me about the time you stuck your gum in her hair right before she had to get her yearbook photo taken."

"everything she says is a lie," he says, quietly adding, "except for that."

"she also told me about the time you got caught mastur—"

"we don't talk about that."

she tosses her head back in laughter. he takes note of the way her eyes crinkle when she laughs and the slight double chin that forms when she pulls her head back. it's cute, he thinks to himself. the waitress sets their chocolate milks down before leaving them alone once more.

"i like your laugh," he says quietly, a smile following his words.

a blush spreads across her cheeks. "i like you."

even after spending the entire night together, talking, kissing, laughing, more kissing, he still hasn't fully processed that she's real. this is the girl he's been talking to all these months. she's here, in the flesh. sitting right in front of him and telling him that she likes him.

"so," she says, drawing him from his thoughts. "what does all of this mean for us?"

he tilts his head. "what?"

"this." she motions between the two of them. "us. what is this? you didn't try to sleep with me last night but we're here getting breakfast. that leads me to believe that this isn't just about sex."

"right." he nods.

"and i think it's safe to say that we're not just friends either."

"right again." he rubs his thumb in circles along the back of her hand, shooting her an amused smile.

she takes a frustrated sip of her chocolate milk and he suppresses the urge to laugh. "so what is it, evan?"

"what do you want it to be?" a smug smile holds place on his lips as he watches her flustered reaction.

"what do you want it to be?"

he pauses, thinking up the best way to word his thoughts. "if you can accept my slight obsession with shrek and my emotional tendencies, then i can accept your creepy fascination with cemeteries and your less-than-ideal line of work."

"it won't bother you?" she looks down shyly. "my job, i mean?"

"oh it'll bother the hell out of me. but it's only temporary. i can accept that part of you if you're willing to accept all of me."

his hand tightens around hers and his heart rate quickens as he says his next words.

"so." he smiles. "can you accept all of me?"

a smile creeps onto her lips. "i think so."

"well then, myspace girlfriend, it's good to be back together."

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