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Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.                        - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

It's a cold summer night, as Michael walked along the the ocean. The wind is blowing on his skin, so that he got goosebumps. The water is floating over his feet, when he stopped and just looked straight to the ocean. What a beautiful view. He thought and just stared on the water.

He heard  the waves from the water and closed his eyes. Such a peaceful moment. He thought.
Until someone taps his shoulder.
He turned around and looked into dark brown eyes.
,,Yes?" Michael asked.
,,I'm sorry to destroy the 'peaceful'  moment you just had, but how do I get away from the beach? I'm new in the city and just wanna go home, you know?" the boy says and scratched his neck in slight embarrassment.
,,Come with me. I wanted to go home anyway." Michael said, but actually he wanted to stay a little bit longer. He just doesn't want the brown eyed boy go alone, you can get lost fast.
,,What's even your name?"
,,It's Calum, yours?"
A silence broke out as Calum followed Michael.
He looks from the corner of his eye to Calum and saw that he just looked to the ground.
,,Why did you want to go to the beach?"
,,I wanted some silence and you?"
,,Yeah me too." Michael said. ,,Where do you live exactly?"
,,I actually don't know  the street name, but I know it's very near the beach!"
Michael nodded. ,,I think I know where you mean." He said and turned right at a crossroad.
They go a while until they reached a white house with a small porch.
Calum stopped and said: ,,Thank you so much! Can I do anything for your return?"
,,You can give me your number?" Michael rather asked than said.
Calum's blushed a little and said 'okay'.
After Calum letting saving his number into his phone, they say goodbye and Michael got to the bus stop where his bus already stands. But as he got up to the bus and was about to get in, the bus driver was a little shit and moved off.
Michael groaned and looked at the time.

At this place definitly won't come a bus until tomorrow. Michael thought. His house is too far away to walk home. Where could he stay over night? His only thought was Calum, but he doesn't even know him really. But he could at least try.

He tries to remind the way to Calum's house and goes all the way back. Once he has arrived, he rings at the door bell and Calum appears. He saw Calum rubbing his eyes as he spoke: ,,What's wrong, Michael?"

,,Uhm, you know I just missed my bus and I was going to ask you, if I could maybe spend the night here. Just if you and your parents have nothing against it.'' Michael answered in slight embarrassment.

,,Yeah sure, my parents aren't home anyway.''

Michael went through the door and closed the door behind him.

Ocean // MalumWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt