Jungkook- The way you move

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AU: this is just a quicky because I've had no Inspo for anything uggggh so this will get me going lol XD I'll continue the threesome updates after this one or another well seeeee enjoy~

..."Yo, _____, how come ur so late???" Jimin asked as I tryed moving myself between all the people in the room. I pushed a guy on his back and moved toward Jimin.  "Im sorry my mom was in the bathroom getting ready for something." Jimin looked at me and laughed "Ha ha Ha, what was she doing ?" I shrugged.

" I could care less, just like I could care less about this party..."  He looked at me and squeezed my cheeks, "____, don't have that attitude! This a party it's supposed to be fuuuun!!" He grabbed my hand an moved me toward the middle of the crazy rave that was going on.

Lights hit my eyes in different colors and people bumped me left and right, Jimin staying in the middle of my focus. He grabbed my hands and encouraged me to jump up as everyone else to the beat. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him and did just as he did, jumping and swaying my head. All of a sudden Jimin let go of my hand and looked up to something else. He started yelling, but I could barley hear him over all the people.  I started getting crowded by all the people as he moved to the side of me, trying to get someone's attention. "J-JIMIN!!" I yelled, trying to get him to help me. I moved farther into the crowd as Jimin continued to look. "JIMIN U ASSHOLE, HELP ME!!" I screamed, staggering backwards. As soon as I did, I felt myself slip.

I closed my eyes and groaned. Fuck, I'm really not in the mood to-

"....Are you okay?" I felt someone put there hands on either side of my waist. I opened my eyes to look up an almost chocked. "I-IM SO-"

"Shhshhshh, it's okay I got you." He wispered softly in my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck and I swear if I didn't know him...

"U-um sorry I, I didn't mean to..." I said, pushing myself off him. He smiled at you and my heart picked up pace. What the hell, what was that? I asked yourself, holding my chest. "It's not your fault." He laughed. I nodded awkwardly and tried to smile, bowing as I was about to leave. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Ahh, ____, I see you found my friend Kookie!" He eye smiled. "Kookie"s face went sour and he grabbed Jimin. "Jungkook Jimin, not kookie." He smiled and Jungkook let go of him. You laughed at the two and shook his hand. "Well, I'm ___, thanks for saving me." I smiled shyly and he moved a piece of hair by my ear an whispered, "I can save u anytime, princess." He smirked and lightly tugged my hand.

I tilted my head and watched him say something to Jimin. He smiled and patted my back. "See ya later then?" I looked confused at him and watched Jungkook take me outside of the crowd and into what looked like the outer rooms of the giant house. I looked inside one of the room and saw a couple of my friends sitting in a circle, a bottle hanging by JBs hands. "I didn't know you guys where here!" I ran over to Mark and JB, hugging them tightly. JB smiled and waved at Jungkook as I sat down, ushering him to sit with you. I felt him cram between you and Mark as JB began to spin the bottle.

watched it turn and turn. "Wait are we-" JB smiled and shook his head, laughing at my reaction. My heart thumped nervously as the spinning bottle slowed down. What if I get Jungkook... I nervously watched as the bottle stopped....

Between me and...

"BAMBAM GET UP, YOU GOT ___!" He quickly put his head up as I stared blankly into his eyes. I looked over at your other friends, urging him to go up to you. "What's wrong ____, you scared?~" JB whispered to me. I hit him on his head and got up. Jungkook looked odd as he watched BamBam take my waist. "Ya know ____, I've done kiss many time before." I wrinkle up my nose and pushed his hand off. "If only your English wasn't as bad as your music."

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