The pregnancy

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Amber was happy but it was the shopping that was going to make her mad. She could never find the things she wanted. She started to feel sick that day she just wanted to puke. AAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHH there went the puke. She started to get online while puking. She looked up owl baby thing and she found a lot. She couldn't buy anything but the crib because she doesn't know what the baby is. Amber was finally 3 months pregnant and her doctors appointment was that day. When they went they got shocking news the doctor said she was having twins. That blew her mind,she didn't think she would be able to have twins. Know that she knew that she was having twins she had to get two of everything. That was going to be a lot of money. There was one thing that she had too do she had too tell her mom and dad. She was already 3 months but she needed to tell her. The next day she had to go to her moms house she was not ready. When she walked into the house her mom said"well look who it is it's our Bitchy daughter.""Mom not around the baby"she said " what the hell are you talking." Her mom was freaking out because there was no baby. "Mom I'm pregnant " Amber said "you are not pregnant fat ass." She was getting mad at her mother so she just walked out of the house. It was the next month and she had another doctors appointment. This time she learned the sex. When she walked in she was in pain. When she sat down the doctor scared her. When she said the sex she was happy the doctor said she was having twin girls. She was happy and really wanted to scream but she couldn't.

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