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it's like I've pressed rewind on my tapes. you're back to your old habits again. you drink all the time and barely leave the house unless you need more alcohol.

I hate seeing you like this, but I understand why you're sad. I'm sad too, but I can't drink my problems away like you do. even pepsi stays away from the living room. when he try's to make you happy, you yell at him and he cowers away.

∘ ∘ ∘

"phil, you should go take a shower or something, I'm sure you reek of alcohol."

"get away from me dan."

"phil, please get up."

"you damn bitch, I said get away from me. is it so hard? just take your dumb fucking tracks and wheel away from me before I throw you against the wall."

"I know you don't mean that. you'd never hurt someone."

"but you're just a fucking robot."

∘ ∘ ∘

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