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there's wires everywhere and doctors are always coming in and touching you.

they look sad but they won't tell me what's wrong even after how many times I ask.

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"yes dan?"

"what is wrong with phil?"

"phil is dying..."

that made me sad.

that made me really sad.

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I don't want you to die.

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"hey phil?"

"hi dan."

"you remembered my name?"

"of course I did. we're best friends, remember?"

"yeah.. yeah phil, I remember."

"am I gonna die, dan?"

"yeah, phil... sadly, you're gonna die."

"it was a good life, wasn't it?"

"yeah, it was."

"I'm gonna miss you, buddy."

"I'm gonna miss you too, phil."

it was quiet for a few minutes. I watched you cry silently in that dumb hospital bed and I wanted to die too, but I can't die, and that's what I hate.

"hey phil?"

"yeah dan?"

"do you love me?"

"yes dan, I love you. and I've never loved anyone more than I've loved you."

then the little heart monitor stopped beeping. it just stopped.

and I was sad.

I was very sad.

you, phil, my best and only friend, had died.

and I was alone.

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