Just An Average Girl

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"Amy, you're so stupid!" My best friend, Madison, laughed.

"You're one to talk!" I retorted and she just rolled her eyes.

"Look, Rory has already told me he likes you like three times. What more do you want?"

"An actual sign?!"

"You're delusional, he's a boy, you'll get a sign when the sky falls through."

"Don't joke like that. Not after last week."

Last week had been chaos. A man named Loki had claimed his rule over the Earth, only to be stopped by the Avengers. He had managed to cause a lot of destruction though. He killed countless people and destroyed dozens of buildings.

Some were saying the Avengers should pay, but I was one of the few who disagreed. They tried to stop Loki in his madness, they couldn't help it if he caused mayhem and destruction like so many who try to take over the planet do. They had put an end to it, and that was enough in my eyes.

"I'm sorry." She looked down in shame. The chaos had destroyed my home and made my father and I homeless for three days before our aunt took us in, sparing no time and yelling at my father as he walked in the door. She was infuriated that he hadn't asked for her help when he knew she lived just a couple blocks away in Brooklyn.

"It's fine. It could've been worse. Some people lost their parents, or their children. Losing a home for a few days isn't as bad as that."

"Still, Amy, your apartment was on fire. It burned most of your stuff. I mean, come on, you're wearing your aunts clothes."

"I know."

"Then why are you acting like it isn't so bad?!"

"Because it isn't, Madi!"

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I don't get you sometimes."

"That's good, you don't need to understand me all the time. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for volunteering." I started to walk away from her.

"And that's another thing! You're volunteering to help people who are in the same condition as you!" She called.

"This conversation is over!"

I could almost see her rolling her eyes even though my back was turned and I was walking away from her.

"Fine! Text me?" She said.

"Yep." I turned back to her for a moment and grinned before turning back.

I walked all the way back home. I unlocked the door and smirked as I saw my dad lounging on the sofa with a beer in his hand and the football game blasting while my aunt smacked him with a dishtowel endlessly trying to scream over the game which he continued to turn up. He waved at me as I passed him and completely ignored his sister screaming in his ear.

I laughed and went to my room. I tossed my bag on the floor and sighed, basking in the few moments I had of peace before I had to go back out again. As soon as I had found out there was a volunteering program to help people who had suffered after Loki's damage on the town, I joined. I knew I had suffered, but it always made me feel better to help other people. Seeing the happiness on their faces and knowing I had created that made me feel like I was flying.

I sighed and got changed into my uniform. We never knew what we would be helping out with until we got to the building. It could be cleaning up a neighborhood that had been damaged severely or helping people who had lost a loved one. Either way we were told to dress to be prepared for anything which meant; old jeans, a black shirt, and sneakers. I groaned as I looked at my reflection while I tied up my dirty blonde hair. I grabbed my bag and put my phone in it along with some spare cash for lunch.

I walked out and laughed at the sight. My aunt was standing in front of the TV with her hands on her hips, glaring at my dad while my dad tried every position possible to try and watch the game around her.

"Bye, Aunt Lizzie!" I waved while walking out the door. She instantly brightened and waved back, then her smile fell as she turned on my dad.

I laughed again and walked out the door.

I walked eleven blocks to the volunteering center. It wasn't that bad or tedious for me considering I walked everywhere, never biking or anything like that. I was used to long walks to the store, to work, and to school, so eleven blocks is nothing.

Once I got there, the assistant manager, Chris, gave me a paper with the schedule for the day.

"We're boxing canned food first, then neighborhood cleanup. We'll hit three neighborhoods, then call it a day."

"How long are we boxing cans for?" I wondered.

"About an hour."

I groaned and he smiled. "I know, but somebody has to do it."

"I know, I just hate tedious work."

"You could always be on rebuilding." He suggested.

"Me and construction? Yeah, guess again."

He chuckled. "Well, I guess it's boxing canned food for you."

I sighed. "Let's do it then."

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