Chapter 1: dreams

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     He pressed his lips up against mine. So warm and soft. Pressing softly at first, but soon pressing his lips a bit harder. Deepening the kiss. His soft pink tongue darted out of his mouth and licked my bottom lip. Running over my multiple lip piercings. I moaned into the kiss.
     His lips moved down to my neck. Kissing, licking, and nipping at the soft skin. My arms wrapped around his neck. Strains of his brown hair running through my fingers. His hands pushing me to the mattress of his bed. "Subaru..." His name escaped my lips in a moan.
     I can feel his body shake from his soft laughter. He straightened up, so his lips were level with mine. I looked into his brown eyes. They were full of lust and desire. "Shh, Kuina." He whispers. His breath warm on my face. He leans forward. Pressing his lips against mine again. I kissed him back. Kissing each other passionately

     My eyes fluttered open. Staring at the white ceiling of my bedroom. My body was covered in  sweat. My breath came in heavy pants. My mind running a mile per second. I looked around the familiar surroundings of my room. Everything seemed normal and Subaru was nowhere in sight. Was that all just a dream then?
     It must have been a dream. Considering that I am in my room instead of his room. But God, it felt so real. The feel of his lips. The warmth of his body pressed up against mine. It all felt real. But it wasn't. It was just a dream. Questions began to run through my mind. Why was I dreaming about that? Although this wasn't the first time I had a dream about him like that. Do I have feelings for him?? No. I date girls. And so does he.
     I rolled over in my bed. Pulling my black blanket tightly around me. I want to go back to sleep. I was still feeling a little bit sleepy. I want to sleep and dream of something else. Though I fear that I'll end up dreaming the same dream I woke up from. Not that I hated the dream. It just confused me. Before I fell asleep again, I looked up at my alarm clock. The neon green numbers saying that it was seven twenty five. I glared at those numbers. The alarm will be going off in five minutes. Giving me no time to go back to sleep.
     Groaning, I pulled myself up from my bed. Making me realize the little problem between my legs. Great. Just what I need. Throwing my blanket off of my body. My bare feet landing on the soft tan carpeted floor. Still drowsy from sleep, I shuffled my way to the bathroom that was at the side of my room. My feet leaving the carpet and landing on the white cold tile. I have  half an hour to get ready before I have to go. I still need to shower and do all the other things to get ready for the day. Not to mention take care of that problem.
     I turned the water on in the shower. Sticking my hand under the water to check the temperature. Once the water was warm enough I turned the shower head on. Quickly, I pulled my clothes off, throwing them on to the floor. Although i was aiming for the counter. I guess I'm still tired. Usually I make that shot. I shrugged it off and stepped under the falling water.
     The warm water that hissed out of the shower head poured down on me. Wetting my hair and rolling down my back. I reached up to a shelf and grabbed my shampoo. Popping the lid open and squirting out the cherry blossom scented shampoo into my hands. Putting the bottle back up on the shelf, I rubbed the shampoo through my hair. Not stopping until my hair was lathered up in shampoo and bubbles.
     I stuck my head back under the shower head. Letting the warm water wash all the suds away. I ran my hand through my hair. Purple and black strains of hair resting in between my fingers. My hair felt soft. I wonder if Subaru would think my hair was soft as well. I paused at the thought. Did I seriously just think that? I tried to shake it off. But no matter what my mind kept going back to that dream.
     Leaning back, I rested my head on the cool tile wall. My head still partly in the water. One of my hands snuck down to take care of the problem in my lower region. My other hand traced the bottom of my lip with my fingertips. Doing as what Subaru's tongue did in my dream. Ah, why am I still thinking about that dream? It wasn't real and Subaru doesn't feel the same way. Sure we've kissed before. But that was all fan service. It didn't mean anything. It was an act that we do to get our fans riled up. And he does it with the other three as well.
     Besides, even if our kisses weren't for fan service, Subaru has a girlfriend. The girl that he has been dating for two months now. And judging by the look on his face whenever he's with her, he's crazy about her. So that's another reason why my dream was just that. Just a dream that wasn't true.
     Realizing that I was wasting time and water while I stood here, I turned the shower off and stepped out of the tub. Wrapping a black towel around my abdomen, I walked back into my room. Going over to my dresser. Quickly finding a pair of black holey jeans and a black t shirt. I slid them over my thin frame. Once the comfort of my clothes was on, I walked back into the bathroom. Staring up a hair dryer and blowing my hair dry as I ran a brush through it. My hair dried straight as usual. This means I don't need to straighten it.
     After I finished getting ready, I ran out of my apartment. Heading straight towards my car. I started the engine and headed off to where ever we were shooting. Today was the day we were going to shot a video for our song 'Innocence'. I found my self wondering what we were going to do for this video. I focused on this subject through my entire drive. Happy that I found something else to think about besides that stupid dream.

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