Chapter 6: Believe Me

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I hurried through the doors of BP records. Guitar case in my hand. Running straight towards the elevator. Luckily for me the elevator door was open. As if it was waiting for me. I ran inside before the doors closed. The elevator slowly started to move upwards. Going up to the floor that I needed to be on. I grew impatient as I waited for the elevator.

I was already running late. There was a car crash on my way here. Blocking off traffic. So I had to wait for things to clear up before I could continue driving. On top of all that, I wanted to get here as fast as I could. I wanted to tell Subaru. He had a right to know. And it was the only thing I could do to keep my piece of mind.

The events from last night still danced through my head. I was so close to telling him. To telling him how I feel. Just two words away from confessing. But Yoko had to come and ruin it. There was no doubt in my mind that she heard me. Hopefully she was bluffing about her threat. I hope so. But the fact that she had that recording on her phone told me otherwise.

The elevator doors swooshed open. Allowing me to get off. I hurried down the hallway. The studio wasn't that far away. In fact it was only a few doors down from the elevator. I reached the studio door within seconds. Placing a pale hand on the silver handle, I took a deep breath. In one motion I pushed the door open.

Once inside the studio a could hear the drums being played. Tomoya must be practicing. I listened closely as the banging of the drums continued. It sounded off for some reason. I kept listening. The beats seemed off. It sounded as if some one was playing the drums with random beats and notes.

My curiosity got the best of me. I walked over to where the practice room was. My eyes grew big and a smile spread across my face. Kazuki was sitting on the drum stool. Banging away on all the drumheads and symbols. A goofy grin on his face as he played. Obviously having no clue to what he was doing.

A few feet away from him was Tomoya. Trying to play Kazuki's guitar. Strumming and playing many flat, off key notes. I laughed at his attempt to play. From the looks of it Kazuki was doing a lot better then he was at playing the others instrument. It looked like Tomoya didn't even know where to place his fingers.

I searched around the room. Looking for everyone else. Koudai was easy to find. He sat in the corner of the room. Sitting next to a table that had a few bags of chips, bottles of soda, and other snacks. In his hands he held a sandwich. Probably his breakfast. He watched the two cluelessly play the others instrument. An amused look on his face.

My eyes continued to wander around the studio. Searching for one person in particular. But he was no where in sight. I sighed to myself. I guess Subaru is running late today. Looks like I didn't have to worry about being late today. Considering we can't really practice with out our vocalist.

A loud crash from the symbols caused me to jump. I looked back over at the two. They seemed to have no idea that I was there. A sly smile spread onto my lips. Quietly I set my guitar case down and undid the latches. Getting my see through guitar out of the case and putting the strap over my head. I soundlessly walked over to one of the amplifiers and plugged my guitar in.

Koudai noticed me. A smile appeared on his face as he realized what I was up to. Before he said anything, I brought a finger up to my lips. Telling him to stay quiet. He nods as he tries to hold back his laughter. I walked up right behind them. Making sure they didn't see me. Taking a deep breath I began to play. Play the beginning to Lilia. Playing the cords to one of my favorite songs that we play.

Tomoya and Kazuki stopped playing almost instantly after I started to play. Both turning to look at me. Kazuki's face brightened up at the sight of me. Tomoya folded his arms over his chest. Though it was hard with the guitar being there. I played a few measures before I stopped playing. I smiled at them. Looking directly at the drummer I teasingly said. "And that's how you play the guitar."

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