Chapter 4:Day off at the Beach

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A loud ring steered my from my sleep. I cracked my eyes open slightly. I lied there as I waited for the ringing to stop. It continued for four rings then everything was quiet. I snuggled back down in my blanket. But just as I was about to fall asleep again the phone started to ring.

Annoyed, I got up from my bed and marched out of my room. The sun was already up. Shining through all the windows of my apartment. Blinding my eyes a bit. I was actually surprised that I was able to get any sleep. Let alone sleep the throughout the whole night.

I found my phone sitting by the front door. The exact same place where I dropped it last night. Right next to the new hole in my wall. I'll have to get that fixed. I snatched my phone up off the ground. Without checking the caller id I answered.

"Hello." I said. My voice sounding very groggy.

I heard someone laugh on the other side of the phone before the person started talking. "Good morning." Subaru's voice sang through the phone. His voice sounding cheerful. I smiled at the sound of his voice. Happy that he was one of the first things I heard this morning. "So today I thought we could all go to the beach. It's supposed to be really nice today and we haven't gone for a while." He explains. Still sounding just as cheery.

The beach did seem like a nice place to go on our day off. "That sounds like fun." I tell him. Feeling happiness spread throughout my body.  I couldn't help but be happy about this. Even if what happened to me last night still made me sad, I should still be happy that we were still friends.

"Perfect." He says excitedly. His voice was so excited that I could practically hear him smiling on the other side of the phone. I love to imagine him being so happy. "I'll tell the others. Meet us there in an hour, okay?"  I agreed. "Great. See you then, bye." He added as he hung up.

I ended the call. Running back into my room to quickly get ready. Putting on a pair of swim trunks. Over the trunks I put on a pair of jeans. Then slipped on a t-shirt. I ran out of my front door. Knowing that my drive to the beach would be a long drive.

Forty-five minutes later I pulled up into the parking lot of the beach. Apparently we weren't the only ones that thought the beach was a good idea. The parking lot was pact. To the point where it was hard to find a parking spot. I actually had to park in the very last isle of the parking lot. Turning of my cars engine, I got out of the car and started my journey to find my friends.

The sun was worm on my face. It felt great. A warm breeze blew through my purple hair. Making it fly in the air. Flying away from my face. The sky was bright blue. Not a cloud in sight. The sound of waves could be heard all the way from my car.

Once I reached the sand I took my sandals off. Picking them up and putting them in to the bag that I brought along with me. My bare feet being slightly burned by the hot white sand. I didn't mind. Besides being hot the sand was also extremely soft. I dug my feet into the sand. Feeling the soft sand in between my toes.

My friends weren't too hard to find. Especially with Koudai's red and black hair. Actually that's what helped me find them. All of them where here. Kazuki, Tomoya, Koudai, and Subaru. But it looked like someone else was there. Standing next to Subaru. I was hoping that it was his twin brother, Kento. But to my disappointment it was Yoko.

Kazuki was the first to notice me walking up to them. He started to jump in excitement. "Look who's the last to show up. We were worried that you got lost." He teased me. A huge smile on his face.

I smiled back at him. "Sorry that I'm late. But it isn't my fault that I live further away from the beach then the rest of you."  I tell him as I walked over to them.

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