Chapter 1

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         ******* Hey there everyone, I just did this story for CampNanowrimo. Let me know what you think. Vote, comment, share and follow me. Thanks again for reading. Enjoy :-)  

            Candace is 5'1 amd has long nlack hair. She has pretty brown eyes, and a fit shape. Chad is 6'1 and has short cut brown hair. He has a toned body and gorgeous blue eyes. Candace and Chad used to date back in college. They broke up because they ended up going two different directions when it came to what they wanted in a relationship. Chad was the popular basketball star, while Candace was the one in the writing club. Candace didn't give Chad a second thought until January 5, 2009.

            On January 5, 2009, Candace is going into the elevator of word press headquarters. As she goes into the elevator, she runs into her ex- boyfriend Chad. Candace thought, "oh great, I'm in an elevator with Chad. Can this get any worse." All of a sudden, the elevator suddenly stops on floor 3. Candace said, "oh nice, we're stuck now." Chad said, "hello to you too Candace."

         "Hi Chad. I'm sorry, but I really am not feeling in the mood." "Relax, someone will find us." Candace took her phone out her pocket.  She didn't have service.  Chad checked his phone, and it was on 1%. "Man, we're screwed." "You said it yourself. Someone will find us." "I hope someone does find us." Candace checked her phone again. She still didn't have service. She walked over to the corner, and sat down.

          Chad said, "so, how's life treating you?" "Life is the way it is, and I can't change it." "Well, you still look good. Why do you sound different?" "What do you mean by different?" "I mean, you aren't as happy and feeling full of life as you were before." "Well, people change, and that's just how it is."  "Man, I missed you. You used to make you feel so great inside." "That's what I was supposed to do. I was your girlfriend."

        "Speaking of girlfriend, are you with someone now?" "No, are you seeing anyone?" "Not at this moment. Life has changed for me also. I did get my dream job though." "Congratulations on being a successful business man." "Thank you, did you ever pursue your dream of being a famous blogger?" "Yes, and I do quite love it. I can write all day, and I don't have to worry about other people crowding me while I do my work." "Well, that's fantastic."

          "If you don't mind me asking, what made you want to talk to me?" "As I've said before I have missed you. We ended on a good note, but I missed your company. I missed having you around to make me feel wanted." "Oh, so I am your safety net," Candace said giggling. "That's not what I meant. I mean you have allowed me to do things for you, even though knew you could do it yourself." "I distinctly remember me constantly telling you, 'I got it.'" "You did, and that's what I loved about you. You were independent, by you also let me be your boyfriend, I missed that."

          "Well, how come you aren't with anyone now?" "All the women I have dated since you, have only wanted two things from me." "Let me guess, your money and sex right?" "Exactly, and that's not what I wanted." "Well, what do you want?" "I want someone who is going to stand by me, and love me. Someone who isn't going to change on me, and question my manhood." "That's a good thing to want. You just have to keep looking."

            As Candace is talking to Chad, she starts thinking about the things she wants. She wants to have someone who is loyal, smart and funny. Someone who will be there for her, and who will love her no matter how she is. "Ce Ce, what is it that you want?" "I want a lot of things. I want someone who will love me, and protect me. Someone who won't run off at the sight of commitment. I want to have someone who is in it for the long haul. You know like those movies you see on TV." "We all know TV and reality don't mix. You just have to keep holding out for what you want."

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