Chapter 26

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"When did you do that?" "I did it the other day. I told you I would take care of it. Just because I run a huge business, it doesn't mean I'm not going to do what I need to do at home." "I understand where you're coming from. It just all seems too real to be true. I know we've been married going on four years, nut I'm still getting used to tabloids wanting to know everything, and you showering me with extravagant things." "I do it because I want my wife to be happy." Candace walked to the bed as he was putting the mattress on When he was done, he walked over to her and turned her around. He started kissing her neck. "You are going to start something." "Hey, we're married now. We got a house, I can really have you in. I could even cause you to have twins." "Oh no. I'm not pushing twins out." Chad started laughing. They made up the bed, and got their clothes put away. Chad watched Candace walk around.

"Hey baby, how do you think we watched TV last night?" "I figured you had did the lights. I just wanted to make sure the cable wasn't going to be shut off." Chad stood in front of her. "Candace you have to trust me. I'm not going to sabotage this relationship. I can take care of us. It's okay if our marriage is different. I am very traditional about how you and I will do things. I'm here for you." "You tell me that all the time." "I just want you to believe it. I'm really not going any where." I know. I am so grateful to you. I'm just too hyper right now." "I know it." As they cleared the boxes out the house, they were getting the house finished. They stopped to eat. While they were eating, they were admiring the house. They were loving their work. Candace had a big ole smile. Chad and Candace finished up, and they went back to work.

They had even got their offices ready. "I may not like working in an office, but being able to write any where makes me happy." She went on and got her book made. Chad went to their room, and laid down. He just wanted to crash. Candace put her laptop down and went to their room. She got her clothes, and she kissed Chad on the forehead. She took her hair down, and went in the shower. When she was in the shower, Chad was up watching TV. Candace came out, and laid down. Candace kissed Chad and went to sleep. The next day came, and Candace was getting bored. As she was walking through the house, she started thinking. She started thinking of ideas for new stories. She wanted to write about something fresh. She wanted to write about something which had meaning.

Candace started to get lost in her thoughts. Before long, she had a list of ideas. She got excited. Candace went in the kitchen and made dinner. She made white rice, black eye peas, and steak. She was happy knowing she wasn't going to lose out on a next big story. Candace picked the idea at the top of the list. She picked: a woman is stuck in an asylum ad she's trying to remember how she got there, to be let out. She starts planning. She wants everything to be lined up to where she knows where she's going next. Soon after, Candace was getting frustrated. She went to her desk, sat down and started spinning in the chair. She was trying to figure out what she wanted to happen. After a while, when she realized she couldn't figure out anything, she trashed the idea.

She decided she was just going to sit down and start writing. She figured out maybe if she just started writing, she would have something. She had ended up writing two pages. She had begun to write a romance. Candace kept going. She was enjoying what she had came up with. When Chad came home, he started looking for Candace. He knew she was there because her car was there. Dinner was on the stove, covered up. He started calling her name. "I'm upstairs." He walked up the stairs, calling her name. When he got towards their room, he saw her in her office. He walked in. Candace turned to the door, and he walked over to her. He have her a kiss. "Before you ask, white rice, black eye peas, and steak." "Sounds delicious." "I'm in the mood for meat."

"I got meat for you." Candace started shaking her head. "I mean food." "Hey, I can feed you, and you can feed me." "You are to much." "I know. I can't contain what I want." When Candace looked at him, she noticed he was holding onto his pants. Candace started laughing. "It's not funny. I want some good, good. We don't do it in the morning any more." "You have early meetings." "I will change the time." She smiled at him. Candace and Chad took the conversation to the bedroom. Chad and Candace went for three hours. They took a shower, and ate dinner. While they were eating, they talked. Chad told Candace about how one of his employees refuses to do their job right. "Are you going to fire them?" "I'm going to have to. We don't need any bad business. Business is going good."

"I can tell. I just want you to be careful about how you do it." "Relax, I won't be mad." "You can be stern without being mean. You can also do it without being mad." "You are right." As Candace was getting farther along with her pregnancy, she was moving slower. Chad had to really step it up. Her cravings were getting worse. She wanted ice cream with pickles. She started wanting beef jerky and pork chops more. Chad was starting to get tired of having pork chop sandwiches. "Hey babe, I'm going to go out to eat." "Alright, can you bring me some crackers?" "Sure thing." While Chad was out, he started thinking about what she was eating. He decided when he went home, he was going to check. He got some beef and broccoli for himself, and some Tall House crackers for her. He went home, and grabbed his laptop.

Candace was laying beside him eating her crackers and watching TV. Chad started researching about cravings when you're pregnant. He found out she could be having a boy. When it was time for her next ultrasound, Chad made sure he was there. He got weirded out at first, when the doctor started rubbing the cream on her belly. "This is just to help us see what's in your belly." She put the pregnancy stick in her hand, and rubbed it across Candace's stomach. They could see the baby on the monitor. "Do you want to know what the sex of the baby is?" They both said yes. She used the ultrasound of the baby to show them. They were having a boy. Candace started smiling and laughing. "Yes, he's a boy." "He is, and he has your head." "He's going to be smart like his dad too." Once they were done, the doctor helped Candace get cleaned up.

They got a picture of the sonogram. When they got home, Candace pinned it up on the refrigerator. A few days later, Candace made copies, and sent one to Victoria, and the other to her mom. Candace and her mom went out later on that day. They started getting a whole bunch of baby clothes. They stocked up on the months from newborn, up to 24 months. They got a bassinet, a rocking chair, and two dressers. When they got back to the house, Tammy was admiring the house. Candace and her started setting up the baby's room. When they got done, it looked real nice. When Chad came home, he helped them with dinner. Candace didn't want to leave the kitchen. As they were sitting down to eat, Tammy said, "have you gone through the phase where you want him all the time yet?"

Candace said, "not yet. He's afraid I'm going to pop off." "She doesn't give me my good, good no more." "You sound like a man." "Hey, I'm not being sappy. I just want to get laid again." Tammy and Candace started laughing. "It will happen soon. I had it bad when I was pregnant with her." Sure enough as she was seven and eight months in, Candace was wanting him bad. Chad was happy knowing he could get it in. He just wouldn't take her doggy style. He didn't want to risk anything. When they were laying in bed one Thursday night, Chad said, "we have to pick a name for him." "Babe, he will be a junior." "He will definitely be my mini me. I'm going to make sure he is strong and powerful." As Candace became nine months, her and Chad started practicing for when she was due.

On August 31st, while Candace was in the delivery room, Chad was busy filming. He had the stand set up, to allow him to help her push. She was cursing him out the whole time. As they were taking the placenta out, Chad was looking. As he was watching, he passed out. While Chad was passed out, the camera was getting everything. When Chad got up, he was able to cut the umbilical cord. They took Chad Jr to get cleaned up. As he was crying, Chad was smiling. Candace just wanted to hold him. While he was getting cleaned up, they moved Candace to the recovery room. Once Candace got to hold him, she kissed his forehead. When Chad was holding him, there was a glow on his face. He started thinking about everything they were going to do together.

Once they got home, they laid Jr in his bassinet. Chad took him in the room with them. They laid down themselves. While Candace and Jr were sleeping, he went out. He went to the store, and got a baby monitor set. He went back home, and set it up. When he was done, he laid beside Candace. He took a nap. When he got up, he saw Candace rocking Jr in his room.

*********Pay attention Candace. So sad, Chad passed out.*******

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