Chapter 3

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          "Yes I do, and your problem is?" "I don't have a problem. I was just messing with you." "You are crazy woman." "Yes, but I'm your crazy woman." "That is true." Chad and Candace started making out on the couch. As they were making out, Candace laid back on the couch. Chad climbed on top, and they  were like two puppies going at it. They were kissing each other all down their bodies. Chad started whispering in Candace's ear. As Candace was laughing, Chad took his shirt off. Candace licked her lips.
          "You see something you like?" "Of course I see something I like." "I believe we are going to have a problem my love." "Why do you say that?" "I think that because I can't keep my hands off you. I jus want to mark you as mine. I want everyone to know you belong to me." "I think it's safe to say you have been belonging to me." "Why do you say that?" "I say that because of a red scar that's across my chest from a certain someone rubbing their head across it."
           "I did do that. I didn't know it was going to leave a scar." "It did. It pops up, every time I get out the shower." "Will you let me see it one day?" "Really?" "Yes really." "Fine." Candace took a look at the clock on the wall. She saw it was going on 10. "I got to get home." "Why can't you stay here?" "I don't have any clothes here. Don't you have to work in the morning?" "I do have to work in the morning. It doesn't mean I can't spend time with you."
          "Okay. Well, let me go pack an overnight bag, and I'll be back." "Okay. I'll be here waiting." "You know, you are starting to sound like a girl." "I will make you pay for that, when you get back." "Oooooh I'm scared." Candace started laughing as she walked out the door. When she got to her car, she got in, and turned the car on. She drove home, and started getting ready. She got her tooth brush, and tooth paste. She got her body wash, and a towel. She got her hair supplies. She packed her pajamas, and grabbed her laptop. She was out the door.
           Candace loaded everything up in her car, and started driving back to Chad's house. When Candace got there, she called Chad. "I'm outside the door." "I'm coming." He unlocked the door, and she walked in. "You can just put your bag over there." Candace sat her bag by Chad's room door. "I'm shocked you asked me to stay over." "Why are you shocked?" "You didn't use to ask me. I always had to ask you about staying with me." "Like we said before 'people change.'"
            Candace smiled at him. He said, "did you bring stuff for a bath?" "I don't take baths. I take showers." "Hey, I was just asking." "I'm sorry. I have been by myself for a little too long, I guess." "You're alright. Just relax." "I can try." Chad showed her where the bathroom was. As Candace was getting her clothes, Chad was already in the bathroom. When she went in the bathroom, she jumped. "You scared me." "I'm sorry. I figured we could take a shower together."
           "I guess." "We don't have to if you don't want to." "I do want to, besides, how else are you going to see the scar?" "That's true." Candace and Chad stripped down. Candace turned the hot water on. "You don't have to let the water run. I have very good water here." "Oh okay." Chad pulled the stopper up, and the shower turned on. He stepped aside, and let Candace step in first. She let the water fall on her. She picked up her rag, and soap. She poured some of the sweet pea and violet, and let it go smoothly onto the rag.
           She was lathering up the rag, when Chad was down too. As they stepped out, Chad said, "I want to take you in every room in this house." "The only way you are going to do that, is if you marry me. I'm not marrying you today." "Okay, but I'll wait. You'll give in."

"How can you be so sure?" "I know you." "Sure you know me." "I do know you." Candace finished drying off, and got dressed. She brushed her teeth, and rinsed her mouth out. She brushed her hair down, and walked out the bathroom. She put her dirty clothes in her bag.

As she zipped her bag up, Chad was coming out the bathroom. When he came out, he walked behind her. He started kissing her down her neck. "Baby, we aren't even in bed yet." "I don't care. I want to show you my affection. I know you will treat me right." "I'm going to try." "I know you will." Chad started moving his hands down her body. He grabbed her behind. "Really Chad." "What? Your sexy ass was right where I wanted." "Of course it was." He spun her around to face him.

When she was facing him, he dipped her, and kissed her. He took her to his room. When they got to his room, Candace plopped herself on his bed. Chad went to his night stand and pulled out a condom. He pulled down his pants, and put it on. Candace said, "I am so glad you have protection. Those women condoms are no joke." "I've heard about those." "Yeah. It's affective, just makes me feel weird." "Don't worry baby. I am going to take care of you."

"You know every time I hear that, it always ends badly." "Well you don't have to worry about me. I'm not going anywhere this time." "I'm not leaving either." "Good." Chad went in between her legs, and kissed her. He started kissing her down her neck again. He put her ear in his mouth. He started licking and kissing all over her body. He went slower than earlier. He started taking his time. He went to feel her wetness.

When he felt it, he said, "baby, you are wet for me already." "You could always send my body into a whirlwind." "I don't think I ever noticed. That just means I need to treasure what I have with you." "That is what we both should do." They kissed and Chad went back to feeling her body. He was rubbing her down, and kissing her all over. Chad put her legs on each side of his head. He started kissing up her thighs. As he was kissing them, he moved up to her sex.

He kissed her lips, and stuck his tongue in. He started licking and sucking on her clitoris. As he was eating her out, Candace was rubbing her hands through his hair. She screamed out his name. "Baby, go faster." As he was going faster, Candace was feeling relaxed. She was enjoying the feeling of having him between her legs. She thought, "This is the best feeling. My man knows what he is doing." As she said that, Chad hit her good spot. "Oh Fuck." Chad stopped for a second. "Keep going." Chad went back at it.

Candace came right into his mouth. The whole night was filled of strong embrace. Candace made Chad to the point where he couldn't use the bathroom. "I knew I loved it when you used to give me head." "Baby, you are something else. I'm just pleasing you." "Yes, but pleasing each other is what we do best." "That is true. We need to start out a plan for how our relationship is going to work." "I hear you loud and clear my pet. We can work it out when I get off work tomorrow. I'll come over to your house tomorrow."

"That's fine by me." Candace rolled off him, and laid right beside him. "I like being laid by my woman. It feels good, to have someone who actually loves me. I love you." "I love you too. It's funny how we never forgot each other." "I'm glad I never forgot you. You used to make me feel so motivated." "I tried. You used to be my biggest fan." "I still am. I love how you are. You are a unique person. I love everything you are."

"Stop lying." "I'm not lying. Are you seriously about to tell me after all this time, you still don't know for sure if I am telling you the truth?" "I just want to be sure. You know how I am. I don't want to be hurt. I know being hurt helps you grow. Yet, I am not for it. I don't have time for that." "What you do have time for, is letting me get my kiss." "What kiss?" "This one," and Chad leaned over and gave her a giant kiss. Chad wrapped his arms around her. He said, "this feels exactly the way it should be." "It does, and I think things will be great for us."

"That is if we stay true to each other." "I know we can do it. I have faith in you. My work is from home, so I know I can be loyal to you in my sleep." "You are funny." They kissed one more time, and turned the lamp off. Candace and Chad went to sleep. The next morning, Chad and Candace got up, at the sound of "What You Are," by One Less Reason playing. Candace and Chad jumped up, and went in the shower. As Candace came out, Chad was drying off.

Candace was making up the bed when Chad came out.

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