A Boy Named Madison

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A Boy Named Madison

Chapter 1

1st Day of School


"What Addi?"



I rolled over and glanced at my rocket ship alarm clock.

"... Its four in the morning. go back to bed"


She jumped and screamed and hollered over and over in my ears.

I groaned and shoved my ringing ears into my pillows. I didn't really look forward to waking up or starting seventh grade. I heard everyone is trying out for sports except for me. All i'm good at is math and chemistry and thats about it.

I fell back to sleep for what felt like minutes.

My sleep was interupted by a loud scream in my ear.


After hearing her ear-piercing screams I realized that it was 7:00. I WAS GOING TO BE LATE! I got out of bed and as I was taking steps to my bedroom door, I was lost in thought. I thought about how I was going to be the wimpy and uncoordinated loser of the school. I'll obviously be sitting with the Mathletes again this year. Its not that the Mathletes aren't cool, it's just that there's better options. Some cool kids are in the Mathletes. For example: One of our best long dividers is Austin Lane. In between classes he usually hangs out with the cheerleaders and helps them put stuff in their lockers. Everyone says he has had a date with all the cheerleaders at least once.

Like I said, Not all Mathletes are nerds. Nerds, nowadays, are considered cool and attractive. But, oh no, not me. I have brown hair, Glasses, braces on my bottom teeth, and freckles on my nose and cheeks. Sure, I've had a few girls like me before. Everyone says i look good without my glasses, but i can't convince my parents to get me contacts. And I think the most important reason why girls don't find me attractive is the fact I care more about grades than sports. And i guess the ladies don't like a guy who will obviously be rich in the future. I really don't understand a seventh grade woman.

I walked along the hallway and down the stairs, my bare feet making small noises with each step. I stepped into the living room and found my sister with one of my Mom's red lipsticks.

"ADDI NO!" I shouted.

"Don't I look pretty?" she asked, puckering her lips.

"Addison Jane Jenson!" I heard my Mom say a she walked down the stairs with a robe and slippers on.

"MOMMY LOOK! I did my own make-up!"

"Addison! That's Mommy's lipstick!" Mom said.

I decided not to see the rest of the 'Most Common' thing that happens with 6 year olds.

I quickly ran up the hard, wooden stairs to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed through my hair. I went into my bedroom and pulled out a pair of jeans and a Tee.

I hate how some people dress-up on their first day of school. It's kind of lame.

I grabbed a hoodie and my lunch and ran out the door, into the cool, crisp air of early fall.

I opened the garage and pulled out my red bike and sat on it.

"Here we go.... The first day of school," I said to myself.

I took off with my bike. Peddling slow at first, but then going faster, feeling the air sting my cheeks. I rode and rode my bike farther and farther down the streets. I didn't bother saying 'Hi' to anyone i knew who was walking to school. I am more of an independent individual.

I rode a little more and turned the corner and saw the great, big school that I would be learning in. It's not like Elementry school. No, this place was HUGE. Two stories high! With lockers and stairs and everything.

I tied up my bike and locked it tight. I grabbed my bag and walked into the school's enormous doors. I pulled out a piece of paper I got at Meet-The-Teacher night. The paper had my Locker number and my class scheduals. First up was Math.

In my mind I kept thinking "Please don't have Tori Peters in my class. Please please please."

I know what you're thinking, who's Tori Peters? Well Tori Peters is the girl that has been my next door neighbor as long as I can remember and she has been in my Homeroom for three years straight. And ever since she walked through that door in 3rd grade, she has been all I think about in class. I used to not like her that way. We were really great friends. But somehow, she kinda looked different and I though differently about her. We even got seated together until I had stomach ache and threw up on her lap. It was the most embarassing thing on the planet. Wait, no; UNIVERSE.

My whole world fell apart when Tori Peters, the girl of my dreams, walked into that metal door of the class room.

"Hey Maddison," her heavenly voice said.

"He-Hey Tori. How was your summer?" I asked with a little confidence.

"Pretty good, but since I moved I miss hanging with you." she said.

She misses me? I was doing a happy dance in my mind.

"Oh well I missed you too." I said with even more confidence.

"I see you got braces." she said looking at my bottom teeth.

"Yeah I got them this summer. They feel like metal."

Wait. What did I just say? They feel like Metal? OF COURSE THEY FEEL LIKE METAL YOU DOPE!

"I'm sure they do," she said while giggling.

Then she walked away and found a seat.

In my mind I was face-palming myself. I feel like an absolute idiot.

I decided to take a chance and try to sit beside Tori. Or at least anywhere near her. And lucky for me there was one desk left right beside her.

I grabbed my bag and rushed over to the desk.

Then right before I was about to reach the desk, Austin Lane was walking over to Tori.

I had to think fast. So I did the only thing I could do.

"Ow! DUDE! That hurt!" Austin yelled.

Yup. Thats right. I threw my backpack right in the back of his head.

"Sorry i meant to throw my bag in my chair."

"It's cool." He said while rubbing his head.

Then Austin walked over to the other side of the room and found a desk. I sat in the back next to Tori.

"Nice plan Maddison" Tori whispered as the teacher walked in.

"What? I accidently missed my chair."

Tori just started giggling.

This year I was determined to make Tori my girlfriend.

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