Chapter 3: Nervousflies

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A boy named Maddison

Chapter 3


I sat on my bed, waiting for my clock to say 3:50. I want to be perfectly on time to Tori's house. The only thing bothering me was thay I had this strange, tingly feeling in my stomach. Are these what butterflies feel like? If they were then It feels like I'm swinging on a swing thats high up in a tree and i'm going as high as possible.

I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. I studied cautiously. I don't want to look like a dork.

Thats when I started to get nervous. Do I smell nice? Does my hair look okay? Am I too nerdy? Is she just trying to be nice? Is she using me? What if I screw up and she gets mad at me and goes and cries on Austins shoulder? What if i'm not good enough?

I felt worse and worse with every thought about her and someone else. Suddenly, I wasn't feeling so confident. I didn't know if I could make it through this thing without messing things up. These Butterflies were making me nervous even more. I think someone should call them 'Nervousflies' instead.

I needed to cure these 'Nervousflies' of mine. I walked out my room and down the hallway and down the stairs. I headed to the kitchen and saw my mom making dinner.


"Yeah sweetie?"

"If I ever get butterflies what should I do to make them go away?" I asked while walking towards her.

"Well I may have one idea.. But Name one reason you would get butterflies." she questioned.

"Like... Umm-Uhhh- BEFORE A TEST" I blurted out.

"Well, Grandma used to tell me to name my butterflies after the things that give me butterflies. On the scale of 1 to 10 how bad are your butterflies before a test."

"I don't know... Like a 5."

"Then you have 5 butterflies to name."

"Okayy... Thanks Mom."

I quickly power walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I checked the time and saw that it was 3:48pm, so I went over to my dresser and pulled out a clean shirt. I slipped it on and headed down the stairs. I opened the front door and grabbed my bike from the driveway and peddled off.

Hmm... Name my nervousflies. Well I'll name the first one Tori. Hmm... The second one Austin. The third one spiders. (I AM TERRIFIED OF THOSE THINGS) The fourth one School... And the fifth nervousfly, Love. Love is the head of all of the nervousflies.

I sighed and kept peddling, Turning corners and making U-Turns.

"Finally," I said as I turned the corner to Tori's street.

"3:58, Right on time." I said to myself as I was about to pull into he driveway.

I peddled into their drive way and swung my leg around and stood on my own two feet. I put the kickstand down and headed towards her front door.

There go those nervousflies again. I hesitated to ring the doorbell. I stood there on Tori's front porch like an idiot. Finally, I pushed it. I heard the doorbell from the inside and someone heading towards the front door. The door swung open and there stood a taller woman with short, redish hair and a long neck. She was wearing glasses and pearls around her neck.

"May I help you?"

"Yes. Is Tori here?"

"One moment." She said and headed up a giant wooden staircase.

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