Chapter 2

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A Boy Named Maddison

Chapter 2

New and Old faces

"Hello Class, my name is Mrs. Walters." Our teacher said with a thick accent. I didn't know if she said Waters or Walters, but then I knew after I saw her write it on the board.

Mrs. Walters was a bigger woman with big thighs and little feet that were tucked away inside her high heels. She had a round, kind face and big, blue eyes. She was very light skinned with rosey cheeks and red lipstick. On top of her head was a large, white bun. She kind of reminded me of Mrs. Clause.

"Today, Class, we will be getting to know eachother. I find it easier to understand how you learn if I get to know you." She said, with her british accent.

She went desk by desk talking to everyone, when finally, she reached my desk.

"And what is your name?" she sweetly asked.

"Maddison Jenson," I replied.

"Maddison? I didn't know boys were named Maddison." she said.

"I've known a lot of boys named Maddison," Tori said before I could reply to her. Tori knows I'm sensitive about my name, considering it's a girls name.

"Oh, well I love that name, Maddison. Do you mind if I called you Maddi for short?" she asked.

"I really prefer you didn't Mrs. Walters," I replied awkwardly.

"He doesn't like the name Maddi because he calls his sister 'Addi', which is short for Addison." Tori added.

"Thats okay Maddison. I understand completely." she said while patting my folded hands and walked to the next desk.

I pulled out a book from my backpack and started reading. This book is called "Time Racer". It's about a genius who finds a time machine in an attic and powers it up. He totally messes up history and has to somehow fix it. I was really getting into the book when something slid onto my desk. I peered over my book and saw that it was a note. I placed a bookmark in my book and set it on my desk. I looked over to Mrs. Walters to see if the coast was clear and she was on the other side of the room talking to Austin. I slipped the note under my desk and opened it. The note was from Tori! It read:

"Meet me at the back table on the left at lunch."

In my mind I was doing another happy dance. I looked over to Tori and nodded. Then I opened my book and placed the bookmark in my lap. This time I wasn't paying attention to the words on the page. I just kept replaying every moment when I talked to Tori today.

I came back to reality when the bell rang for lunch. I stuffed all my stuff into my backpack and hurried out the door and to my Locker. I opened my Locker and put my stuff inside. I grabbed my lunch and headed towards the cafeteria.

"Hmm. Back table on the left." I said in my mind. I looked in the back and saw Tori's glorious face already there, so I power walked to the table.

"Hey Maddison" she said.

"Hey" was all I could spit out.

I stood there like an idiot for at least a minute until she said something.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" she asked while giggling.

"You betcha." I said.

'You Betcha'? Why am I such a geek?

I slid onto the bench in front of her and opened my lunch sack. I pulled out a sandwich and a Gatorade.

"So why did you want me to sit here?" I asked.

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