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So, we have a new Co-Curricular Activity the next Saturday. And it's... *drumroll* A Shakespearean Declamation !

We had three speeches to choose from.. two from Julius Caesar and one from Hamlet. 

And I chose the one from Hamlet. I kinda hoped there was Macbeth, 'cause I'd definitely choose that as I what the play's about... since it was featured in Pretty Little Liars.. but so was Hamlet...

And we're supposed to get a copy on Monday but thanks to WilliamShakespeare, I could practice today. The speech is from his book, Hamlet, Act III, scene i. (awesome_abhi, you might find this useful, if you din't find it already.) 

Btw, Ashleigh(awesome_abhi) chose the same one. 

I wonder which one my crush chose....

And I have a feeling that the LE trailer might release today. Better keep a look out. ;) 

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