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*Harry's POV*

My eyes bulged, my head started to swim. Madison? Gabriella? What?

"Come on Morgan, I know you're ill but you're not fooling me. No! Not today." I exclaimed.

Morgan sighed and rubbed her temples with her pale fingers, an IV hooked up to her arm, and thick bandaging around her hand which had been shot. "I'm serious. Nobody's supposed to know. So that means you better keep quiet about what I'm about to tell you. And Harry Edward Styles, I swear if you do; I will personally punch your pretty, dimpled face in. Now take a seat."

I swiftly made a mental note that she called my face pretty, while taking a seat in one of the light green, plastic hospital chairs. "Ooh. Comfortable. I ought to get one for my flat." I chided sarcastically with a tight-faced grimace.

"Madison was brought into a gang when she was 16. She never told anyone but she was left back in school twice, which why she was always in my classes. Her being left back turned out to be good, she could hide herself. Her real name is Gabriella and she's 18. She was so lucky she acted younger than her real age. Anyway, at the time, her boyfriend James thought it would be a smart idea to talk her into joining his club. Gabriella -aka Madison- had no idea it was a gang. Like with guns, and fights, and rivals."

I nodded reluctantly. This sounded like something out of movie, or book!

Morgan took a deep breath and continued. "James was the biggest jerk. Gabriella couldn't see it. But everyone else did. I hated him. So, long story short, she was joined into the gang and made 'co-leader' with James. Although James then dumped her and jumped into the rivals gang, troop, or whatever. My best friend was left carelessly in charge with her ex out to dominate her troop and get her killed. It was his plot all along, I assume. I'm still trying to put all the pieces together."

I shook my head, still shocked and confused. "How does this involve you and I though?" I questioned anxiously, trying to get answers.

"Right! Well, time after time again. James and his friends tried going after Gabriella. There plans always failed, and I always ended up saving my best friend from their danger. Her ex repeatedly tried getting me too. But I was smart. He only wanted to kill Gabriella, so he could get his gang back. I was never part of a gang and have no intentions in joining one. But, I was still roped into it."

"So, you're telling me that this James guy....wants to kill Madis -er- Gabriella?"

My step-sister nodded and fiddled with the clear/pinkish tube stuck into the side of her stomach.

"But why? What did she do? She seems like a sweet girl."

"She is!!" Morgan cried. "That's why she never tried to kill him, or hurt him or anyone in his group. She just let's him go after her. He wants to hurt Gabby because he thinks she cheated him. At least that's what he's telling us. I feel it's more though."

I gasped. "Possesive, extremeist much?"

"I guess you could say that. Moving on; James always, always hated that I was there to rescue Gabby. He once threatened that he would do someone I love harm. I guess that someone being"

I smirked. She didn't deny that she loved me. Is that why she jumped in front of me? She doesn't want me to be hurt?

"But don't go all willy-nilly thinking I love you. Because I don't. So, I have no idea why he tried what he tried." she stated simply.

Dang. "Okay....has he, um, has he tried to hurt you or anyone around you before?"

"Yeah." No emotion reached her face. Her eyes vacant.

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