part two

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Your POV
My alarm clock goes off.It's 6:00 AM and I have to go shopping for my new house.Yup,moving out of my parent's house to my own.This is going to be great.
I get out of my bed and walk to my bathroom,I brush my teeth,then my hair,I walk out of the bathroom and put on some f/c tights and a f/c t-shirt.Then I grab my f/c hoodie,I put on my f/c converse grabbing my camera and keys.
I walk out of the door and ignore my parents.
Like always they never notice me.
I walk to the new house.It has the woods in the back,so the woods were like my backyard.
I pull out my keys to the house and unlocked the door.
So I pull out my camera and started to record.
"Hey guys,YT/n here.So I just wanna let you guys know I'm moving to a new house;it has woods in the backyard which is cool and scary at the same time,but yeah here are the woods"I say all of that then I walk to the backyard,then I showed the woods.
"Creepy...let's hope I don't die here."I say as I laugh.
"So yeah,that about it for now.Thank you guys for watching,see you next time"I say as I salute the camera,then I turn it off.I walk back to my house, walking into my room,and starting to pack my stuff.
Ben's POV
I woke up really early.I go to the kitchen,and grabbed a bowl then the cereal,milk and i make some cereal.
While I was eating,I was on my iPad watching videos,then I see YT/n has posted a video so I watch it.
And turns out she is moving to a new house and...the woods in the backyard is Slendy's woods... 
"HOLY SHIT"I yell then Masky walk down the stairs with Hoodie by his side.
I play the video back to them and they well.
"HOLY FUCKING SHIT NO WAY"They yell which made Jeff,Ej and Lj to walk down the stairs.
Same thing with them,they freak out,THEN, Slenderman walk downstairs.
"What is it now,you know Sally is asleep."He says.
We all explain what has happened and we beg him not to kill her,if she ever goes in to the woods.
And well he promised he wouldn't kill her,thank god.
Masky's POV
It was a shock to me that YT/n lives really bloody close to us.
Anyways We did our day to day routine.
Wake up.
Go out killing.
Come back home.
Eat again.
Then relax for the day.
Then killing again.
And more relaxing.
That's how everyone's routine is.
Your POV
As I get done packing,I put all my stuff that I can put in a bag.And the rest I get my older brother and older sister to help me put in the back of the truck,which my brother will drive to my new house and my sister with me.
"Thank you (brother's name) for helping me move to my new house."I say to my brother as I hug him.
"Hey where's my hug and thanks?"Asks my sister S/n
So I walk up to my sister and hug her,then said thank you.
$Time skip$
I put my room together.The wall of all the house were painted,the kitchen was done in no time and the bathroom as well.All that was left was the living room and the decorations in the house and all that stuff.
It was about 3 PM,so when I got in my bedroom I did a Q&A.I tweet out for people to ask me some stuff,after 25 minutes I started recording.
"Hey guys YT/n here,today I will be doing a Q&A so on with the question." I say.

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