Part five

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as i grab y/n she passes out i guess i scared her to the point she passed out

well then i guess i should take her back to her own home

as i walk back to dear y/n's home i see jeff in y/n's fridge...his taking all of her food...

"Jeff! Put it back it's her food not yours !"i yell at jeff

"ugh fine"jeff says as he put all the food back

"what are we going to do with her"jeff asks

"we put her in her room and erase anything that shows us being here"i say back to jeff

"she took a video of me let me go and delete it"jeff says as he walk to y/n's room

i walk in to the living room and put y/n down on the sofa and cover her with a blanket and walk back in to the kitchen and i see the window is broken i (magically) fix the window and walk to y/n's room and see the door...broken as well...i (magically)fix that as well.

"okay Everything here is fix and the video is deleted so we can go now"jeff says as he leaves the room
i grab jeff and teleport back to the mansion.

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