part fifteen

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Your POV
i hear my alarm clock screaming in my ear
I slam my hand down on the alarm clock
Why do i even have that i have no where to go anyways.
I lay back down 20 seconds later i fly out my bed
"I have to go shopping for dinner tonight!"i yell as i grab my sweat pants and my hoodie
As my h/c (hair color) hair was flying around and sticking out like spikes .
I grab my hair brush and went crazy fast so I can cook and get everything done in time.
As I get done brushing my hair I run to my door and put on my shoes and grab my keys and phone I walk out into the living room then I run to the front door and unlock it i walk out the door and lock it I run to the store.

As I walk out the store with 6 bags of food and junk only one bag is for the dinner tonight the rest is for well so I have food in the house.
As I speed walk and try not to trip and fall then die.
I know you can't really die from tripping over something but you can crack your head open!
I'm going off topic anyways.
I get to the house I Grab my keys with my already full hands i unlock the door
Pushing it open with my body
Well more like my back.
I open the door and walk in I use my foot to slam it shut.
I run to the kitchen and put all the bags on the counter top.
I run back to the door and lock it.
I breath out and walked back to the kitchen.

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