Part seven

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Your pov:
I set up my camera and I press start

"Hey guys yt/n here i have finally decided on who the winners are, it's (creepypasta gang name) and (a few random people) they win the tickets so congrats on the winners I'm going to need you to follow me on twitter then I'll direct message you the details bye guys oh and the videos will start being uploaded normally I finally got fully moved in so bye guys"I turn off the camera and I start editing the video and then I upload it and I go on twitter.
And I saw I got a DM from the winner so I messaged then all the stuff they need to know and mailed the tickets to them.

after i was done with all of the winners I walk to my living room and sat on the couch thinking then I felt lonely
Hmm how about I get a dog! Then I won't be so lonely and I'll have some thing to do when I'm board And ITS A DOG (okay if you want a cat then change dog to cat k?)
Who doesn't​ want a dog?!
After I think about it some more then i remember that vidcon
Was in 2 weeks so I guess the dog thing can wait.
I get up and grab the hair tie that is on my coffee table and i tie my h/c hair up in to a ponytail (if you have short hair ignore this)
I walk in to my kitchen and start making some food cause I'm hungry.
I get to the refrigerator then I see my refrigerator was empty
"god fucking damnit Jeff!"I yell to no one.
As I walk to bed room and get dressed to go shopping.

$Time skip$

I put on my shoes and grab my keys and walk out the door locking it as well

I walk down to the nearest supermarket.
I walk in to the supermarket and I get a cart.
I walk through through the aisles.
Then I walk over and buy some food that I will need then I see some of the most beautiful thing in the world
Oreos (change if you don't like Oreos)
And there was only one box!
As I go to grab it I grab someone's hand I look up I see a boy with blue eyes and white hair.
He had a pissed off look but then his looked softened

"I'm sorry I didn't know you wanted them"he said sincerely
He had a sheepish smile on his face.

A victim of horrible chance | Creepypasta x youTuber!readerWhere stories live. Discover now