part eighteen

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your POV

as i pour everyone their drinks i pour myself a drink (whatever you want) and sat down on my chair.
"So y/n why did you move to a new house ?" asked (bear with me here)
"Hm i guess because i just wanted my own space to be loud and do what i do with out having someone tell me to be quiet or telling what time i cant do this or that, but other those reason i moved into a new house because i wanted my own house"i say as i see some of the guys grab some food as i talked to
I see Sally trying to grab the bread which was way to far for her short arms to reach  so i lean over and grab the bread and cut her a slice and give it to her.
she smiled at me and said
"thank you y/n !" she says with a smile
"no problem dear " i reply to her with a smile as well
as the other guys talk with each other and me and talk.
after a few hours we all got done with our dinner and i get up to grab something for desert.
i walk in to the kitchen and grab a cake (it can be any flavor you want)
i walk back into the dining room and set the cake on the table in the middle and grabbed everyone's plates.
well everyone help out cleaning the table.
i grab some plates and forks and a knife i set all of that on the table setting the cake on the table top of  course.
i brush my h/c hair out of my face.
jeff was cracking jokes,
ben was having a staring contest with sally and ben was losing
toby was sitting there with a huge smile on his face
tim and brian were talking
jack or EJ as he told me to call him he was reading a book he found in my kitchen...didn't know i had that book.
and the other jack or LJ he was talking with and i was setting everything up the table and crap.
"DONE"i yell to get everyone's attention they all stopped what they were doing and smiled
"the cake looks so fucking good y/n"jeff says
the others agreed and smiled at me.
i smile widely

jeffs POV
as i say that to her, she smiles and her e/c eyes shined with happiness in her beautiful eyes
she's so hot...
i want just hold her in my arms and protect her

ben's POV
i have this song stuck in my head by gnash named ilusm it's reminding me of y/n (i'm listing to the song at the moment )
she's...a gamer girl i love her for that
she's an awesome youtuber , she's an awesome person
sometimes i wonder what it would be like to have her in my arms
while she sleeps...i love her so much...

toby's POV
"hey y/n can i have some waffles too?"i ask with the smile still on my face
"of course !" y/n replied to my request
i can't shake this feeling i have for her i watch her youtube channel all the time ! and i've always liked how calm and sweet she is
i wanna just hug her till the end of time...

hoodie's POV
i really have to hand it to y/n she's an awesome cook
i feel a like my heart is going to pop out my chest when i look at her
i'm not scared of living a life with her
but i'm scared of living a life alone and unloved
i want to give someone love who will love me back...

masky's POV
i'm going to beat the shit out of jeff i was going to complement her on the cake !
fucking dick head, even tho he can beat the shit out of me i'll still fight for MY y/n she's going to love me *sigh* just like i love her...

eyeless jack POV
well throwing my book in the house before we came here so i can read while we waited for the food was a good idea,thank god she didn't notice she didn't have this book.
i checked...yes yes i know creepy but i had too !
well i didn't have too but i still did it
one thing i really love about y/n is her smooth and clean s/c skin and her soft and pretty e/c eyes and her soft h/c hair i can just run my hand through it.
she's so beautiful in my "eyes" she brings the soft side out of me
i wanna just hold her...

laughing jack's POV
i wonder if y/n likes candy
Hope she does !
i mean who doesn't !?
haha if someone does like candy i'll shove it down their throat till they drop dead but i would never do that to y/n she's to nice and cute to have that done to her
she's a sweet heart
she's going to be my sweet heart...

Slenderman's POV
i think they forgot i can read their minds.
well i guess i'll have to wait and see who will win y/n heart
i don't see her like that she's like a child to me not someone i would fall in love with she's a sweet girl and has a kind heart
let's see how this story will play out.

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