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Hello everybody. Since bitter love has ended and it's still summer break.(won't be for much longer) robbi and I have decided to write another book together. This one I feel will be a bit longer than 15 chapters but we will see.I had this idea a while back and robbi liked it as well and I needed help with it so thank you so so much robbi ❤️. Anywayssss lets get started. Xx


"You all have two minutes before show time." Alice, the lady who was making sure me and the boys were on schedule with this interview told us.

Today we are doing an interview to discuss what's going on in our lives. And I'm a bit nervous. We've been on break for a bit and since then lots of things have happened. I just really hope that the interviewer won't bring up the fanpage. If he does I'm terrified I'll say something stupid and ruin everything.

The two minutes went by so quickly and soon Alice was pushing us towards the stage. Liam looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him as the interviewer was introducing us.

We each sat on the sofa, Louis and Harry sitting together near the left side of the couch and Liam and I on the right side. Which is actually a bad decision cause he always touches me when we sit together. Most people just play it off as him being friendly but no it's more than just friendly. Really Liam is teasing me.

"Hello! Today I am joined with the boys of One Direction. They've been on break for a bit and so I think we all need to catch up. So boys is there any new special someone's in your lives? Any new songs being released soon?" The interviewer starts.

All I can think in my brain as he talks is 'please don't bring up the page please..' I know I'll get super nervous and people will know what's going on.

"Liam what's your relationship status?" Everyone looks to Liam including me. He always hints at something referring to me. Sometimes it's blue eyes, sometimes he says an Irish person. And it makes me happy.

Liam smiles a bit, "I'm still single, still waiting for the perfect blonde." He said and everyone coos and aww's at him. I bite my lip and he glances at me.

"Well Liam, niall's a blonde why not get at him?" The interviewer laughs.

Liam chuckles and looks at me with lust in his eyes. Oh wonderful he must be really horny.. Shït.

"Sounds like a plan to me." He smiles and then begins to tickle me. Everyone in the audience laughs.

"So Liam is single and looking. That's great to know. Anyway. Are you guys aware of the fan account consisting of mainly you two?" Everyone oohs and waits for the response.

I look down and let Liam respond to him. If I did I would probably say the wrong thing. Liam shrugs. "I've heard of it but don't look at it, why?" He asks.

The interviewer smirks, "well there are quite a few pictures of you and Niall kissing, cuddling, and acting like a couple. Care to explain?"

I look up and at Liam, the other boys then to the interviewer.

"Actually.. There is something that needs to be explained..."


Here is the teaser!! Ahhhhhhh. I'm very excited for this book I know robbi and I will enjoy writing. And we hope you all will like reading. We may make a few edits and for those I will be using the app "SocialDummy" to make fake insta posts tweets etc. in this update I used the pictures of niam kissing that the interviewer is talking about and the tweet is what they tweeted earlier that day.
our update schedule will hopefully be every other Saturday. But some may be late and some may be early.

Leave suggestions on what you wanna see happen. And your thoughts on the chapter. We love reading comments. Don't forget to like the chapter and until next time

Much love,

-Robbi and Kaci

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