-Chapter One-

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HI!!! Here is the first chapter! I hope you guys are excited about this book. Please please comment your thoughts. It really means a lot. Also vote cause it makes us happy. Haha, anyways enjoy this chapter! X


"Goodnight everyone!" Harry said as me and the other boys left the stage. I put my guitar down and laid the mic down just as I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

"Hi." Liam smiled kissing my cheek and holding me close to him.

"Hey" I say and turn and kiss him lightly. He smiles brightly and then we walk over to where Harry and Louis were.

"Well goodnight , we will see you in the morning." Liam said to them. They both nodded before going back to what they were talking about.

Liam and I left the stadium and went back to the hotel.

"Liam look." I giggle and show him my phone which had pictures of me and him from the concert tonight.

"You look cute." Liam said and kissed my cheek. "Only if we could post all the other selfies we have." He smirked.

"But then we'd get in so much trouble." I sigh and scroll through my phone. Smiling at a few of the pictures that were of Liam and I. How do people not know?

"Not if they don't know we are the ones posting them. What if we did those fan account thingies?" Liam said. "People would never know."

I start to think. Maybe that could really work. "That sounds like a good idea, Li. I love it how you're so smart."

He chuckles before pecking my lips. "Thank you, love. Why don't you make it and post the one where we are cuddling shirtless?" My eyes brighten.

"That's a great idea! Oh Li, this is wonderful." He smiles big before I go onto Instagram. I sign out of my original account before beginning to make the new one about the truth.

Liam pulls me close to him after taking off my shirt, kissing my neck as I make the account, little giggles leaving my lips. "Li I'm trying to focus.." I whined before he continued to kiss my neck anyway.

"I know, love but, I'm just really feeling it tonight.." I rolled my eyes as I smiled. I just shake my head and continue to make the account.

He rubs my sides as I have fully set up the account, a squeal leaving my lips as he then softly bites my neck. "Li! Why'd you do that?" He smirks as I look at him.

"I'm just bored. Is the account ready, though?" I nod and show him the first post I made. The caption reads;

"The Truth and only the Truth will be told."

With the image of Liam and I cuddling being the photo. Liam smiles at me more before pecking my lips. "This is a great idea, my love. We'll finally have something to show everyone that Niam is real."

As the night went by I scrolled through comments some saying where did the picture come from. Some said it was photoshopped others were already convinced. They all had one thing in common. All of them asked who we were.

"Should we just have Instagram or all the other stuff too?" Liam asks.

I shrug. "I think we could have more than just Instagram.. It'd be more fun." I say. "We already have 50 followers and it's been an hour..." I shake my head.

"I'll make the Twitter." Liam says grabbing his laptop and goes into Twitter. I link the Twitter in the Instagram bio then do the same in the Twitter.

"Let's just hope we don't get caught." I laugh softly.

"Yeah let's hope.." Liam sighs happily before posting the picture from the Instagram account onto the twitter one with the same caption.

"Everything and everyone will ship us after seeing these photos. Its going to be great." I giggle as I nod.

"There'll be some haters but, that's okay because we love each other and so will a lot of people." Liam smiles before pulling me into a sweet kiss.

I kiss him back with the biggest smile before he pulls me on top of him.

"Why don't we have a little fun?" He asks with a smirk before I begin to blush.

"Are you sure? I won't stop you." I said before licking my lips. He nods quickly before stripping off his shirt and jeans after I got off of him.

I pull off my jeans before getting on top of him with a much darker blush on my cheeks. "After that concert, we deserve this." He licks his lips as he grins like an idiot.

"You can say that again.."

"But Niall, I'm always right." Liam says emphasizing the word always.

This has been going on for a 5 minutes.

"Liam no. You are not. I'm right." I say and huff.

Liam shakes his head. "Nope. I'm right. You just don't wanna admit it."

I stare at him and then pout. "I'm right." I say before getting up. Liam grabs me.

"Just say I'm right and I'll let you go." He says before he begins tickling me.

"No. Wait..." I stop when I realize I can trick him. "Fine I'll say it." Liam stops tickling me and waits.

"I'm right." I giggle.

He smirks. "Good because you know that I'm always right, love. I'm right when I know that you love me and I'm right when I give you pleasure that you deserve, perfectly."

I can't help but blush again before I grind down on him. "Give me that pleasure then, Li." He licks his lips as he nods.

"Your wish is my command, my love."



This is the end of Chapter One! Once again our schedule is (hopefully) every other Saturday. But it may not be since school is starting soon and both robbi and I will be busy with all that 'fun' stuff. But we hope you guys liked this chapter! Please comment and vote. We love seeing what your thoughts are, and if you have any suggestions please comment those as well.

Much love,

-Robbi and Kaci.

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