-Chapter Four-

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I didn't say anything after Liam had told me that we couldn't see or hang out in public with each other, until after we had gotten out of the bath. How could management do that? We aren't that obvious in public. I mean yeah we have our moments but we don't always act suspicious.

Once we both get out of the bath and are changed I finally speak up. "Why?" I ask.

Liam looks at me. "All they said when they called is that we can't be out in public together. Because some fans are beginning to think something's going on." He said.

"So we can't even be seen together in public?" I ask, "at all?"

Liam shakes his head. "No... but at least we still have our own private lives. And our account." He says.

"I guess you're right. And no one will ever know it's us behind the account. We can make it..." I say quietly, as Liam wraps his arms around me.

"How about we invite Louis and Harry over, then we can maybe all go out. Management can't say anything since it's not just us." Liam suggests.

I look up at Liam before nodding. "Yeah, okay. I'll call Louis." I say grabbing my phone from the bedside table. I click on Louis' contact before hitting the call button.

"Hello?" Louis' voice soon answers.

"Do you and Harry want to come over? Maybe we can all go out or something later?" I ask.

There's some talking in the background before Louis answered. "Yeah sure, we will be there soon." He says.

"Okay. Bye." I say, ending the call and putting the phone down. I then look back at Liam. "They'll be over soon. I was thinking we can all go out for coffee or some lunch," I say.

Liam nods. "Sure, we can decide when they get here, until then let's snuggle," he says pulling me into his chest.

"I'm fine with that." I smile and giggle quietly, cuddling close to Liam. Our cuddle session was short because about 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door.

I go to the front door after Liam and I pull apart from each other, a gentle smile on my face as I see Harry and Louis. "Hello you two... Would you care to come in for a second?" They come in as I sigh heavily.

Liam comes out and stands with me as we pull on our shoes. "So uhm.. Management is forcing us to not hang out in public. Apparently fans are getting suspicious and they don't want that." They both frown whilst pouting.

"God they are such assholes. We're so sorry you two. But did they say that you can't hang out with us in public as well?" I shake my head as Liam ties his shoes.

"No. We can go out in public. That's why I suggested coffee and lunch." Harry smacks his forehead, making the three of us chuckle. "Sorry, Nialler.  Let's go and get some lunch and coffee then."

We all go outside and get into the car that Louis and Harry had driven here. Surprisingly there aren't fans out yet who are watching for us, but I know that when we get to the coffee place there will be.

We arrive soon at the coffee shop and we all get out of the car. And just as I had expected there's the paparazzi and the fans. Asking to get pictures and us to sign stuff. I'm not in the mood, but I love my fans so I stop for a few photos.

After finally getting into the place we find a booth near the back. That way we won't be bothered that much. I sit by Louis and in front of Liam. While Liam sits by Harry and in front of me. We do this arrangement because there will be many people saying stuff about Larry; then management will be angry again.

"So about you two? Do you know why management just decided that you two couldn't be seen together anymore? It's like Louis and I, we can't go anywhere together." Harry says.

"I know; It sucks. I guess some people were asking what was going on with Liam and me? Nobody seems to be complaining, so I don't get it." I sigh.

"They probably just really hate us all. They are just here for the money and not our wellbeing. They'll probably think they'll get fired because the fans will start to hate us for being gay and dating each other.

But I highly doubt that. Do they know how many fanfictions are written about Larry and Niam? God they are idiots." The other three sigh at my words.

"I agree... They need to realize that Niam and Larry are popular ships and that we'll probably be more popular if we come out.. Its just a cold, hard fact." I chuckle at Louis' words.

"Yeah... But we'll never get to come out because of them. We'll get in trouble, you know that, Louis. That's why Liam and I made the account because then no one will think its us.

They'll think its just Photoshop, which they shouldn't, but they will. Some people do think its real and that's a good thing." They nod altogether before I notice someone filming us, making my eyes grow wide. The other three notice the person before Louis and Liam run after the person. "This isn't good.. Do you think they heard everything?" Harry asks me as the two are running off towards the person. I sigh shakily, shaking my head.

"God I hope not..."


A new chapter! We hope everyone who is reading this enjoyed and we are so sorry for the long gap; we just aren't getting good views, votes, and comments, so we aren't feeling very motivated.

So would you please give us feedback if you can? It'd be much appreciated.

-Kaci & Robbi

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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