- Chapter Two -

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HIII!! This chapter is posted a bit late but it's okay. I (Kaci) have started school so I've been busy. But tonight I remembered robbi and I needed to write. So here is the chapter. Enjoy. 😏.
To start off here is some lovely smut written by Robbi 💚


Hearing moaning when you wake up can be both good and confusing.

I open one eye slowly to see Liam still fast asleep but, he is moaning. He moves his hips slightly as he continues to moan lowly and deeply, gripping the sheets as I feel myself grow harder.

His bare body glows in the sunlight as the covers are nowhere near him or on him, small sweat drops sliding down his tan, gorgeous body. I wrap my hand around his erection and pump him slowly, looking at his pulsating erection then at his face as he moans even more.

I begin to kiss his neck while slowly getting on top of him with my bare body, licking it as well before I start to grind down against him softly. I move my lips to his before he groans softly, fluttering his eyes open. A smirk comes onto his face as he stares into my eyes.

"Ride me darling?" He asks whilst gripping my waist roughly. I bite my lip and nod quickly.

"No condom no prep. I'm still a bit loose from last night so we should be fine, Li."

He licks his lips before planting them onto mine. I kiss him back quickly, tangling my fingers in his hair as we both moan deeply. He then starts to rub my ass with his warm, soft hands, roughly slapping it a few seconds later, making me both moan more and smile.

I push him back down onto the bed, his smirk growing as I smile goofily, slowly sliding down on his huge erection, engulfing it into my slightly tight entrance.

My moans become even more louder, like how pornstars would moan, and my fingers grip at Liam's hair, tugging it softly as my erection slightly leaks precome from the tip.

I move my hips slowly as Liam starts to moan like me, riding him slowly as he jerks me off with a smirk. "You like it when I fill you up, love? Taking my huge cöck up your milky white ass, pounding into you hard enough to make you scream." I grip his hair tighter as he moves me with his other hand, his erection hitting my prostate repeatedly.

Whines and moans leave my lips more and more as precome still leaks out of my tip, Liam's warm erection pounding into me continuously as little drops of sweat drips down our bodies.

"Harder, Li, fück!" Liam obeys immediately and begins to slam in and out of me repeatedly, quickly as he still jerks me off. He makes me bounce up and down on him and I can't help but moan out Liam's name on repeat, over and over again so that everyone knows that he is fücking the daylights out of me.

The bubbles in my stomach soon come and I don't say anything as I come all over Liam's stomach and a bit on my hand. My moans break out even louder before Liam flips our positions.

He starts fücking me as we go doggy style, drips of my come coming onto the sheets before he slams once more into me, releasing drops and drops of his cum into my ass.
After cleaning both Liam and I up, we lay in bed and cuddle for a bit longer. Today we had a day off from doing anything but tonight we have a concert.

"We should post a selfie." I say and look at Liam. He looks back at me and nods.

"But they'll know we just did something." Liam said with a smirk.

I pout and then think of something. "The fan account. We can post it on there." I smile.

"Okay." Liam nodded and kissed my cheek.

I get my phone and log out of my personal account and log on to the fan account. Once taking the picture I hum.

"What should we caption it?" Liam asked wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"Dunno.." I hum and think about it. "Maybe we should put a fact or something that's gonna happen later. Something we are gonna do at the concert.." I suggest.

"So people will believe that these pictures and stuff are in fact real." Liam nodded. "I like it."

Tonight we were going to start having bears at our concerts. They are another way of telling people that we have secrets and things. Basically Louis and Harry came up with that idea.

So I type in the caption 'Rainbow Bears..' And then post it. Immediately people start commenting and sending us messages. It's crazy.

Some said how good the 'photoshop' was, others asked if it was real or not. The rest said stuff about why the caption was rainbow bears.

I replied to a few saying yes it's real. And that they will see why the caption is what it is. I leave it at that and then go onto Twitter. Replying to people on there as well.

"Why is that bear dressed up?" I ask walking over to to where Harry and Louis we're dressing up the bears they named 'Rainbow Bondage Bear (RBB) and Sugar Baby Bear (SBB.)

"Because we can. How's that fan page of yours going?" Harry asked and looked at me. How'd he know about that? "Liam told me.. It's a smart idea. Maybe one day all this hiding and secrets can come to an end"

"I hope it's soon," I say with a sigh. Harry nodded and him and Louis finished putting the clothes and accessories on the bears.

We all go to the stage and look around before putting the bears on a pedestal type thing. "Hopefully people will notice." Louis said.

"They definitely will." Harry smiled and then we go backstage and get ready for the concert. We had about two hours before people started coming in.

I logged back into my personal Twitter and Instagram posting about the concert. I wish I could just tell everyone the truth, not having to use a fake profile or bears to show it.  But for now it will have to work. Let's just hope our management don't find out.



We wish that this would happen ugh.
If only but, we hope y'all enjoyed this second chapter. The next one shall be interesting.

Big love -Robbi&Kaci xx

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