Entry 11

41 2 12


1s anyone there?

1t's so cold. . . . .

1 am noth1ng. . . .

1 ex1st 1n noth1ng. . . .

Why can't 1 see?

1'm. . . . . . . 1'm scared. . . . .

HeLlO sMaLl OnE.

Who. . . . Are. . . Who are you?

I aM uNsUrE.

Are you okay?

You're m1ss1ng something.

Where 1s your heart?

WhAt Is A hEaRt?

1 have a heart.

WhErE iS iT?

WhErE iS yOuR hEaRt?

You can't see it.

1t's inside me.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Do you want a heart m1ster?

I dO nOt SeE yOuR hEaRt. . . . .

Where are you?

WhErE iS yOuR hEaRt?

Help me f1nd you.

YoUr HeArT iS gOnE.

1 can help you.

SoMe OnE sToLe YoUr HeArT.

Please, l1sten to me.

. . . . . .

ArEn'T yOu AfRaId?

1 want to help you find a heart.

I dO nOt WaNt OnE.

A hEaRt Is UsElEsS.

YoU hAvE lOsT yOuRs.

YoU aRe FrEe.

I aM nOt.

WhAt CaN a HeArT gIvE mE?




BuT i SuRvIvE.

I tHiNk.

I eXiSt.

You are empty.

I aM wHoLe.

You are scared.

I aM fInE.

You hate the darkness.

I hAtE tHe BlInDiNg LiGhT.

You are alone.

YoU aRe HeRe.

Not forever.

WhY nOt?

1 don't l1ke the darkness.

BuT yOu LiVe In It.

I aM wArM iN tHe DaRkNeSs.

1 am cold.

YoU aRe SaFe.

1 am cold.

So very cold.

I cAn HelP yOu.

Can you make me warm?

Do you have f1re?


The Sparks and the smoke.

Up, up, up 1nto the sky.

Past the chimney.

Past the roof tops.

Over the clouds.

Up, up, up 1nto the heavens.

ThErE iS nO fIrE.

ThErE iS nO sParKs.

ThE sMoKe IsN't ReAl.

Can't you see?

Can't you see the embers?

Oh I w1sh you could see.

You would love them.

Gl1mmering in the n1ght.

. . . . . . .  .

. . . . . . .

. . . . .

Can you see the sparks, fr1end?

We are not alone.

There are others.

I kNoW.

I sAw ThEm BeYoNd.

CaLlInG tO mE.

Are you the th1ef?


We are all th1eves.

. . . . . .

Please, g1ve 1t back.

I hAvE nOtHiNg.

Yes you do.

We all do.

BuT iT iS nOt OuRs.

We are splinters.


Please, give us back our hearts.


I cannot feel.


OC Form:

Looks: (human or RHG looks, but if you give me the RHG looks I will translate them into how I picture them as humans. Be warned.)
Allegiances: (The Locus, or literally anything else. They could just be a solo RHG)
Rights: (are you letting me borrow the OC or giving me them? If you say borrow and i dont have enough info on things i will expand on them by my own accord.)

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