I stood emotionless looking at Eric, I had no intention on continuing a conversation with him, I wanted to end this battle quickly.
"Now Dark Syndicate, I assure you this round will not be like the first" Eric said.
Suddenly four shadow gangers were produced from Eric's body,I had never seen him produce this many shadow gangers before.
I didn't have time to be impressed by his abilities, I clapped my hands and sounds of thunder began to roar around the cliff arena.
I released them and two blades of lightning appeared in the ground in front of me.I grabbed each blade and looked forward at the shadows, the blades were called the twin lightning kitana, this was my trump card.
The four shadow gangers began to sprint towards me, I noticed that Eric stayed behind for most their attacks,I wondered why he had been in the back ever since he released more than one shadow ganger.
I didn't have time to focus on this thought as the four shadow gangers were in a threatening range, considering their number, me taking all four out should end this battle.
I took the stance of my twin lightning technique "The Elliptical Volt",
As the first shadow approached, I spun the right blade I the direction of his left thigh, this forced it to bend over and I kicked it with the front of my foot.
The next two approached and I clapped my two blades together, a ball of lightning shot at the two shadow gangers, the shock wave blasted the two apart, leaving face to face with the last shadow.
It threw multiple shadow grenades at me but most were either off target or were deflected by my blades, from the back I heard Eric chant the words "Shadow Pulse."
The fourth shadow ganger opened its mouth and wide shadow waves began to burst out. This hit me backwards and before I was able to stand,I was surrounded by the four shadow gangers standing in a circle around me.
I noticed that the last move dealt a huge 37% decrease to my health, I was stunned by the strength of the attack and noticed that all four were about to perform the attack on me.
Surely if I got hit by all four shadow gangers my health would definitely hit zero.
I shouted "Static Repellant" and spun my twin kitana's, a circle of electricity burst out and knocked all four shadow gangers on the floor.
I quickly looked at Eric's health gauge and saw that since this round started I had only done an 11% damage.
I began to wonder how my attacks to the shadows had been so weak, I took a look at the position where Eric was standing and noticed a tremendous amount of shade caused by the rocks above him.
Instantly I understood why Eric had stood behind while his shadows attacked, The more shade that Eric was provided with allows him to produce a greater amount of shadow gangers, and not just that, he is also able to increase the damage of their attacks along with increases their defences to the attack dealt to them.
I quickly put my theory into test and shot about six elliptical blades at his direction, this forced him to evade from his position and to my surprise two shadow gangers disappeared.
I glared at him and judging by the expression on his face, he knew I had found out his strategy, I began to rush towards him, ignoring attacks from the remaining shadow gangers.
I flung countless electric shards at him, causing a reasonable 5% damage when each shard hit, when I had gotten within range, I performed the "Elliptical Volt", slashing him in the air with both kitana's and striking him with at least fifteen hits at different parts of his body.

Khaos Khronicles
ActionIn a world of advanced technology, Ivan Tresh, a hardcore virtual reality gamer is obsessed with winning the Khaos tournament and becoming the best Virtual player in the world, However as he goes deeper in the game, He learns dark secrets about the...