We stood facing each other, Retrix's hands were still up with his fists clenched,
"Here I come Dark Syndicate", Retrix said in a confident tone,
I stood waiting, anticipating his next move, he raised his left fist in the air and shouted,
"Shattering of the Brawler Retrixer" he smashed the fist on the ground and shattered the ground around us, this caused me to lose my balance and before I knew it Retrix had begun to sprint towards me.
"Kendo Fists" he shouted, spinning his fists and hitting me a great distance away,
I had lost about 12 percent of my health as I landed, I immediately slammed my staff on the floor and chanted,
"Barrage of the Holocaust" two dark circles appeared beside Retrix and a spirit hit him up with its feet, as he stayed suspended in the air the other spirit jumped stabbing him consecutively with a sword and tossing him straight to the ground,
I rushed to my feet to face Retrix, he motioned towards me ignoring the two other spirits that attacked him,
He came in front of me and we started fighting hand to hand. he attempted to jab my face but I held his hand and spun my leg in an attempt to jab my face but gripped his hand and spun my leg in an attempt tackle him to the ground, he leaped over my leg and kicked my face while he was in the air,
as he landed as I was on the floor, I pushed my leg up, hitting his face with my two feet,
He rushed to his feet and shouted, "Paralyzing Fists', his fists began to glow blue and he ran towards me,
"Force of the Apparition" I chanted, Our two techniques collided and we flew backwards away from each other,
Both our health gauges had dropped to fifty percent and we stood to our feet slowly in pain,
"I'm done playing Retrix, I'm ending this now" I screamed,
"I told you Syndicate, I'm not losing this battle" he shouted back,
I rose my staff in the air and slammed it the hardest I ever had on the floor, I raised my other hand towards the sky and I began to cast a spell,
"Vertum Martik Ostra Parsim" I chanted,
Retrix punched his two fists together and his whole body began to glow blue, he opened his eyes wide and they were totally covered in blue light.
For a short while we stood gathering enough energy to pull off our attacks,
"Dusk of The Underworld Necromancer" I shouted, rushing towards Retrix,
"Genocide of The Brawler Retrixer" he screamed, rushing towards me with his left fist out,
As we collided I hit my staff on his fist and there as a huge white sphere of energy surrounding us, we stood in the middle of the sphere, slowly being afflicted by each of our attacks.
It was too bright for me to see anything clearly, as we stood in the middle my memories began to flash through my head and I recalled the first time Retrix and I fought
Khaos"Retrix and I stood in an open field in a small town called Krager in the Khaos world of the beta version,
The hundred Khaos players that were logged in were allowed to partake in a few one round battles to test the battle system of the game,
"Are you ready?" Retrix asked,
"Sure, but I'll go easy on you since your new to virtual reality games" I replied,

Khaos Khronicles
AksiIn a world of advanced technology, Ivan Tresh, a hardcore virtual reality gamer is obsessed with winning the Khaos tournament and becoming the best Virtual player in the world, However as he goes deeper in the game, He learns dark secrets about the...