Stephen Distron's body diapered right in front of me, he vanished out of sight and I dropped back down to the floor.
"It's over" I said to myself now returning back to the real world.
I opened my eyes and removed the Khaos helmet from my head, I looked at creed and he helped me up from the chamber.
"Well done Ivan, I always believed you could do it"
I gave him an expression of relief and I immediately remembered what Distron had told me.
"Creed we have a problem"
"I know, we have to save the trapped khaos players"
"But what about Distron, what's he going to do next"
"Don't worry we'll deal with him later" creed replied.
"Follow me" he said now leading me to his desktop.
Creed worked on something on the Khaos website and looked at me.
"This is a message from Tyrack to the players in the Khaos universe, I think you should see this"
He hit play and the screen of the monitor now displayed a black background with a white letter "T" written in bold Italic.
"Attention all khaos players, this is your leader Tyrack the Void.
The creator of this world formally know as the Khaos Konstructor has been murdered, he was killed by the winner of the Khaos tournament, The Dark Syndicate.
He is now wanted by the Trojan army force so if he is sighted anywhere in the Khaos universe, apprehend him and bring him in, DEAD OR ALIVE.
Anyone who is able to bring him in will be rewarded greatly.
Once again this was your leader, Tyrack the Void."I stood in great shock, I put a hand on Creed's shoulders.
"Creed, what does he mean o murdered the Khaos Konstructor" I asked.
Creed let out a huge sigh and stood up, he held my shoulders as he tried to explain.
"Ivan, you have to understand, when you fought Distron, I used the Khaos servers to track his location and transport myself there. Once I got there I unplugged his khaos chamber from the power source"
A cold shiver went through my body as I heard what he said.
"So when I killed him in the game....."
"Yes Ivan, he died in reality"
I grabbed Creed's shirt and pushed him towards the wall.
"How could you do this, what makes you any different from him" I said as I held him to the wall.
"You have to understand Ivan, Distron would have never stopped, this was the only way"
I stood and tried to control my anger as I let him go and turned towards the desktop.
"I'm going into the Khaos world to stop Tyrack, that's the only way u can free the trapped khaos players" I said.
"Are you sure about this, it's going to be very difficult especially with the bounty Tyrack put on you"
"I'm have to, I can't just leave them stuck in the game"
We starred at each other for a short period of time.
"Very well come with me" he said now walking to a different direction.
"You have to remember that once you log in you will be unable to log out of the game" he said as we walked.
"You may be in there for months, maybe even a year, depending how long it takes for you to defeat Tyrack"
"I of course will be unable to help you because Distron has put a protection firewall that blocks me from entering the Khaos world, even if I am able to suppress it, it may take a long period of time to finish it"
He stood in front of a locked door and brought out the keys.
He unlocked the door and locked at me.
"I will maintain your body while you're in the Khaos world, are you sure you're ready for this?"
I nodded my head and narrowed my eyes.
"Alright, your khaos chamber is in here" he said now walking into the room.
As I entered I saw six khaos chambers in the room, I turned to creed and asked what was going on.
"You actually thought you were going to save them alone" a voice said from behind creed.
As I looked at the door, Retrix walked into the room.
"Retrix, where've you been and what re you doing here" I asked in shock.
"I'll explain later, but now the six of us need to get into the Khaos world"
"Six of us?" I asked in confusion.
"Yeah six of us" another voice said.
Geminade walked in through the door and after her entered Kyropractor, Low Velocity, and Eric Shade.
"Sorry we're late, we had a hard time finding this facility" Geminade said,
"Wait, what the hell is going on" I said.
"The six of you are going to dive into the Khaos world and defeat Tyrack, I have faith that all of you will be successful because you are the strongest fighters from the tournament" creed stated.
"Come on Ivan, we need to do this as a team in order to beat Tyrack" Retrix said
The fighters went to their respective khaos chambers and strapped into their helmets.
I still stood in awe, trying to collate what was happening.
"I need you to lead them Ivan, you've shown how strong you are, now get in there and free the Khaos universe"
I straightened up and walked to my khaos chamber, I laid down and different thoughts began to ring through my mind.
I put on my khaos helmet and took one last breath in the real world.
"I'm trusting you guys" creed said.
I shut my eyes and dove into the Khaos world.

Khaos Khronicles
ActionIn a world of advanced technology, Ivan Tresh, a hardcore virtual reality gamer is obsessed with winning the Khaos tournament and becoming the best Virtual player in the world, However as he goes deeper in the game, He learns dark secrets about the...