Final Khaos (Part II)

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The hole appeared at the top of the arena and I dropped down to the floor,

My health was refilled and my two broken staffs were restored, I picked myself up and stood face to face with Tyrack once again,

He seemed happy, rubbing in the fact that that he had won the second round.

The staffs levitated around me once again and the Khaos Konstructor declared the beginning if the third round.

"Staff of life" I shouted while stretching out my left hand and grabbing hold of the green staff.

"Mystic defence" I said while slamming it on the ground, a green circle appeared above my head and began to move downwards through my body.

When it had fully gone through, the circle vanished and my body began to glow bright green.

"And what is this supposed to do?" Tyrack asked.

"All damages from your attacks are reduced by fifty percent"

Tyrack put a smirk on his face

"Well then, let's see shall we"

"Dimensional bullets" Tyrack shouted as he stretched his right palm out and small black circles shot out of it towards me.

I stood motionless and when the black circles hit, my health had only reduced by five percent.

"How pathetic" I said releasing the staff of life and stretching my two hands out.

"Staff of Storm and wind" I said as the tow staff flew to my hands.

"Cyclone" I said hitting the two staffs on the ground.

Purple and white circles appeared below Tyrack and a great wind lifted him up as he spun in the air.

His health dropped to seventy four percent while he stayed spinning in the air.

I released the wind staff and reached out for my aqueous staff.

"Tsunami" I said slamming the blue staff on the ground.

A blue circle appeared and large amounts of water pouted out of it.

A huge wave rose above Tyrack and drowned him in the water, I was able to see him struggle for air.

His health dropped drastically once again to forty seven and the water that held Tyrack was released.

He landed in the wet floor and began to cough out water, it took a while before he could slowly pick himself up while I stood watching him.

"Have a nice swim?" I mocked as he got on his two feet.

"Shut it!" He exclaimed slapping his two hands on the ground.

"Void combustion" he shouted, a black essence appeared under me and I was suddenly trapped in a black sphere.

I was unable to reach for my staffs due to being trapped in the sphere.

"Ignite" Tyrack shouted and the sphere caused a massive explosion, so massive that the ground below it was destroyed and a hole was created.

Tyrack stepped forward to see the damage he had caused, he walked with a smile on his face but as he looked into the hole he was instantly shocked.

I stood in the middle of the hole, the green coating was still shining bright and my health had reduced to just 75 percent.

"Wha-, impossible" he said stepping away from the hole.

"Staff of balance" I said while leaping out of the hole to face Tyrack.

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