Part 17

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The third flower began moving, and it went on the back of Derek's head.

Derek screamed.

- Let me gooooooo!!! I will kill you, motherfucker!-

Stiles slapped Derek's big face, and Derek noticed he was having pleasure from that.

The flowers were controlling Derek's feelings, and body. He was trapped in an ocean of pleasure, and was starting to submit to Stiles.

Derek's dick was harder and harder, and the flower was draining all his sperm, while the flower in the ass was becoming larger and larger....

Derek woke up, and he was sweating.His big chest was covered with drops, and he had a massive erection in his underwear.

- What the hell!- He said at loud voice. How could he have dreamed something like that? It was outrageous.

But then he remembered the pleasure, and he had to admit to himself that if he dreamed about that, there must have been a reason.

He took a shower, trying not to think about Stiles.

Derek went out for a run. He was full of discomfort, but the thought a good run could help him.

He wasn't paying attention, so he impacted a person. They both finished on the ground.

He was a very tall guy, with big pecs and short, blonde hair. He was taller than Derek, and very masculine. But he had a very nice face, very friendly.

- I'm sorry, i'm sorry!- he apologized.

Derek tilted his head.

- Don't worry, man! Are you ok?-

The guy touched his head.

- I think i'm not ok- He said, stumbling.

Derek was worried.

- I have the car near, i can get you to the hospital- he said, with his usual grumpy face.

The other shook his head.

- Don't worry, i don't wanna bother you-

Derek remembered the night with Stiles, and decided to be nicer, this time.

- Nonsense. Let me help you!-

The other smiled, and Derek smiled too.

- I'm Cotriero, by the way!-

Derek was astonished.

- Cotriero? Is this a real name?-

Cotriero smiled.

- I know it's pretty odd, but is a family name!-

Derek smiled.

- I'm Derek- he said, giving his hand.

They both went to the hospital, and once they were there, Derek helped Cotriero getting to the first aid ward.

There, he saw Stiles, together with Scott and his mother.

Derek froze. He didn't know what to do at all. In that second the nurse was taking away Cotriero.

-Thanks man- Cotriero said

Derek smiled, and then he looked in Stiles's direction. He had just saw him, and Derek couldn't decipher his expression.

Derek decided to go to them.

- Hi guys! Hi Mrs Mccall! - Derek said.

Scott didn't say anything, he just moved a little his hand. Stiles said a big Hi to him, smiling.

- You are the famous Derek, aren't you?-said Scott's mother, smiling - Scott says you are very dangerous, but from what i can see, you are really handsome!-

Stiles smiled, Scott was disgusted, and Derek was really surprised and embarassed.

- Thank you- said Sterek, in a shy way - But i'm not dangerous at all, i swear- he added, trying to smile.

Scott shook his head, and evily smiled to Derek.

- Come on, Derek, maybe you are not completely evil, but you are full of jynx. People around you tend to die. I don't want to insinuate anything, but ...just saying!-

Derek was shocked. How could Scott say something like that? He thought they were brothers of the pack, almost friends. He was severely hurt. Scott was giving him the blame for the deaths of his family.

Derek held the tears for some seconds.

- I have to go, i'ts been a pleasure to meet you, Mrs Mccall!- he said, and he ran away from the room. He reached the outside of the hospital, and he started to cry a lot. He sat on an isolated bench, and he released all the tears.

He felt like shit. He always thought he had blame for his family death, but hearing it from a supposed friend was terrible. He couldn't stop crying. His black, thick eyebrows were wet from the rain, and his perfect jaw was shaking from the nerves. 

A shadow came in front of him.

- Hey-

Derek looked up. He was Stiles.

Derek looked at another part. He was terribly ashamed for crying, he didn't want Stiles to see him like that.

- Go away, Stiles!- he said rudly, almost screaming.

Stiles looked at him, and was irremovable.

- I'm not going anywhere- he said manly. Derek lowered the eyes even more.

- What do you want from me? Leave me alone!-

Stiles sat next to Derek, very close to him. Derek didn't do anything.

- Scott was a total jerk. What he said is bullshit, you know that, right?-

Derek was conflicted. HE waited some seconds before answering. He would have want to hug Stiles for saying this as a thank, but he couldnt, he didnt want to show himself as vulnerable

Sterek- The black night- Love story sterek, stiles, derek hale, teen wolfWhere stories live. Discover now